Prologue - Two Wanders Meet

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Thousands of years after modern times, the world had begun seeing an overpopulation crisis. This epidemic, headlined as "The Expansion Era", was used as a gateway for world leaders to experiment with something not yet truly explored - Artificial Planets. These planets, created using highly scientific means, would be near replicas of the planet Earth and its Solar System, but with minor differences. Using teleportation devices, each planet would have easy access to each other, and soon the human race was populating more of the galaxy than every imaginable...

However, while most planetary replications would have minor differences, one had received a drastic change. The planet named "Dungania", created by Rufus Evans IV was made up of natural resources, yes, but had a skeletal area underneath the surface nobody could reach, with no clear idea as to what was happening down there. Not before long, dungeons and tombs alike began appearing out of nowhere across the land, filled with hidden treasures, riches and organic creatures alike. Most people assumed this as Evans' doing and began to take advantage of it.

Soon, at least 1/6th of the total human populous had moved to Dungania, with most of them using it as an excuse to become galaxy-wise popular through riches and exploration. These adventurers would join the "Adventurers Guild", founded by popular explorer Madison Kennedy, while others would create smaller guilds and try to fend for themselves in this dangerous new world.

The year 3X02 looms into its second half, as a new day dawns on the city of New Valeron. The sky is a crimson red as the city itself awakes. The bustling streets, people making to the daily commute. The calm, serene atmosphere hits everyone like it's regular feeling.

A lone man stands on the trees surrounding a small clearing near the city. He wears a light grey t-shirt and dark grey jeans, along with metallic boots and silver wrist gauntlets. He smiles, as the wind flows through his short, unkempt black hair. A hooded woman walks past him on the ground, noticing his skin shine like metal. She looks up and speaks softly. "You seem to be new around here." Breaking him out of a trance-like state, he notices her and responds, slightly startled. "Y-yeah. I've come here for supplies for my ship." "Ship, huh? Where're you headed?" - a question the man had been asking himself for quite some time, and one he still hadn't found a clear answer to.

Just before he could attempt to answer, an airship 150m3 in size descends into the clearing, with the doorway facing the man. "And that's my stop. Was a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." The man walks into the ship, when just before the door closes, the woman calls out to him. "Hey! I forgot to ask your name!". He turns back and looks at the woman. "Name's Wade. Wade Youngwood."

Wade walks back into his ship as it floats back up and slowly drifts off towards a preset destination - Asphalt Junction, a newly discovered and named dungeon that appeared northwest of the city. Wade sits down at the Captains Desk and begins to look into the logs for the dungeon. "Okay, so according to this site..." he thinks to himself, "...not many people have attempted the dungeon, and even fewer have managed to survive. It could be dangerous to go at it alone...".

Just as he thinks this, he can hear something stumbling about behind him. He jets his head backwards, only to spot a man sporting a plain t-shirt and trousers on the ground, climbing out of a storage container at the back of the ship. He instantly jumps up and walks towards the man. "Uh... hi? Who are you and what are you doing on my ship?" The man gets to his feet and stands fairly triumphantly. "My name is Magnus, last name classified, to-be world-renowned adventurer." "And you're here because?" "Well, uh..." Magnus pulls out a small device. "I was sorta scammed into getting a defective teleportation device..." Wade sighs. As Magnus begins to walk out of the ship, Wade gets an idea.

"So, Magnus..." Wade begins, "As a 'to-be world-renowned adventurer', maybe you could give me a hand? Especially since you came in here without permission-" Magnus turns around, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean? It was an accident!" "Exactly. You came here without either of our permission". Magnus glares at him, before answering. "What is it you want anyway?" "There's this dungeon-" "Say no more, I'm in." Magnus immediately drops his stuff next to a chair and sits down. "Well, that was easy..." Wade thinks to himself, as he sits down at the captain's chair and prepares to take off...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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