the beginning

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         Its a clear cloudless night, the birds sound asleep with their young safely under the wing of the mother. Bats land onto a branch to try and rest their acing wings for a slight moment, only to hurry off to escape the fear filled scream that came from a near by cabin. In this cabin lay four sleeping teens, one half awake girl, and a frightened boy. The boy lays halfway under a blanket with wide green eyes, they stair at the wrapped up nub that use to be his left arm.  Dull blonde hair moved from his now titled head as a insane grin slowly makes its way to the slightly chapped lips as he chuckles lightly. " well... damn" the rasp voice of his barley filled the small area. A short brunet looked at the crazed laughing male, under a purple blanket that seems to be patched many times. Another boy that lay in front of a green couch that seems to blend in with his old worn out hoodie, his mess ginger fell into his teal blue eyes. they seemed to nothing in them but pure confusion, to their friend way acting like a crazed killer but worse then one. just then a pair of sleepy hazel eyes open to look at the one armed male that sat not to far away from the couch where he and a sleeping sandy blonde lay. C.j's dark green eyes darted over to the three boys by the couch " well do I look cool now?"  he asked raising his nub a bit to show them. " C.j calm down" a female voice filled the air, the boy known as C.j turned his gaze over to the short brunet girl. " shut up hailey " he said laughed slightly since he was the only that didn't fear the short violent girl. " Taylor get your hand away from my face"  the wide awake boy whined loudly, the sandy blonde woke up to his couch mate with a small smile. " good morning princess" Taylor yawns to wake up. " timothy make him stop" the dark brunet whined. 

            A small growl came from timothy " shut the fuck up, and go to bed damn it" the ginger yelled to everyone pissed off, Taylor looked at timothy then to Cody shocked. He gazed around the room to see the same facial expression on everyone. Hailey reached behind her and turned off the switch above her head. small rustles filled the room, once it stopped everyone was close to falling asleep. The door slammed open " fucking damn it" timothy yelled once more grabbing his flashlight shining it at the door, where a girl with shoulder length hair. " damn it Chelsea. go to hell" He glared darkly at the confused female. " oh geez I thought I was there already" chelsea said sarcastically as she sat down a full large bags. The two glare at each other, C.j pulled their attention away " who the fuck cut my arm off" the pissed blonde yelled out, everyone pointed to timothy " what the fuck tim" the oldest yelled once more at the ginger. " you fucking cut off my arm.. how am I supposed to fight now?" C.j raised his voice at the male who seemed like he didn't care, " well it was that or death, so you should thank me" the pale ginger said harshly only to get hit in the head by Cody. " shut up and by glad he's alive" he said rudely and pouting. C.j stood up to walk out of the room, only taking one step and he fell face first to the hard wood floor. Chelsea rushed over to help him, " No.. I'm gonna get up on. my. own" the pissed teen said shoving away from the short girl. slowly but surely the male got up, leaning his arm on the wall going to the only room in the high up cabin. Chelsea looked at everyone that began to go to sleep, smiling slightly she was walked outside laying down in the cold dangerous night. 

              Later the night, Chelsea was still awake staring at the night sky. the female smiled calmly at the stars " you can't sleep either." a groggy voice spoke behind her, this made the slightly short girl jump. " oh shit don't do that" her voice was above a wispier " well sorry" the boy gave some attitude and a small eye roll before taking a seat on the steps next to Chelsea.  "any family left" his now calm voice now flooded the space around them. " my two siblings" she looked down at the ground that was far below them " I'm glad your alive" she mutters under her breath but C.j heard the girl clearly. " so how'd you find the place" he asked changing the subject quickly?" the dirty blonde looked at him and laughed " Taylor found it with Tim, so we followed the path till we found Taylor making sex puns" she laughed more as she heard a small chuckle come from the male beside her. Chelsea stood up fixing her side bag " well I'm off... again" she smiled but got a small glare. " no your not.. its night time you have no idea what could be out their" his voice sounded like he was pissed again.  " I'm seen as something weak... so you can't stop me" Chelsea hissed out. " yes I can I'm the leader of the group... go the fuck to bed we'll all go in the Morning." the girl growled slightly " why the fuck do you care.. no one else would say shit if I die" the two glare at each other " fine then fucking leave and die I don't care. we don't need you anyway" the male yelled at her. with those last words the blonde walked inside slamming the door, not caring is he woke up anyone else up but also leaving a shocked Chelsea who soon ran off crying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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