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(MARTINS RESIDENCE. In the night Celina gets to the door and knocks. Matthew hears the knock from his bedroom.)

Matthew: Who is knocking at the door this night?

(He stands up and switches the light on.)

Celina: I pray Martins does not open the door.

(The shadow of the person going to open the door is seen. The door opens slowly.)

Celina: (Surprised.) Matthew.

Matthew: (Embraces her.) I've missed you.

(Celina embraces him too.)

Matthew: There's a little problem.

Celina: What problem?

Matthew: You'll be travelling back to Nigeria today.

Celina: What? (She leaves her mouth opened.)

Matthew: Dad said you've given him to much headaches.

Celina: I know who is behind this kidnap.

Matthew: Who?

Celina: Jessica, Alex's ex- fiancee

Matthew: Why will she ever want to do something like that to you?

Celina: The heart of man is evil.

Matthew: Anyway, come in and have a rest.

Celina: Thank you.


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