New Home

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"Hey, sir! Got any cash to spare?" I sighed and handed a few coins to the little girl. She kind of reminded me of my sister. Let me introduce myself. I am Nicholas. I'm pretty wealthy, but I didn't always used to be that way.

I was trying desperately to find at least a small fortune so I could pay one of those fancy medics to cure my sisters disease. Just when I found my lucky break I returned home to tell my sister and I found her dead.

I wish I could say I found her lying peacefully in her bed looking like she was only sleeping, but that was not the case. She was sprawled out on the floor right in front of the stairs in our small home. She had he hand reaching out as if she was looking for help with something, I knew she was looking for me.

The worst part was when I turned her over she had a horrified expression and blood leaking from her mouth. I'm moving out of the house because it reminds me too much of her. The gang already left me behind when they found out I went on journeys on my own to find something to help my sister.

I know, disgraceful right? Well, what would you do? I miss Veronica the most. Derrick, I can live without him, but he was still pretty cool. Craig. I never really knew him all too well because he left the gang a few months after I joined. I always wondered why. I could easily find his location in a blink if I wanted to see him, though, he isn't the best at hiding.

I walk along the streets, looking at all the small houses. Most had lights on or some other sign of someone living there, all the others were broken down, hardly standing up just with the support beam which was rotting away.

Someone bumped into me. I stumbled back only a little bit, but the person who ran into me was on the ground. I blinked, looking them over. He looked hysterical. A lanky man with tan skin and dark, chocolate brown hair that was tied messily in a ponytail. His (Idk sam's eye color green??) eyes were wide and darting around.

I offered my hand to him, trying to smiled kindly, but I just kept my straight face. He looked up at me and jumped up, not taking my hand. "The castle!" He shouted to me, grabbing my shoulders. "I shouldn't have stayed there! Don't go there!"

I pulled his hands off me by the wrists. "Please calm down." I thought about what he said for a moment. "Wait... castle? Is it for sale?"

He shook his head. "No! No! Its abandoned! It looked brand new, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to stay a few nights..." He ran a hand through his tangled hair. "I was wrong! If you're looking for a place to stay go anywhere but there!" He pulled his hands back and ran away.

I shrugged. I looked in the direction he was running from and eventually I found a decent size castle. Nothing of a king, but a good size. It was a good distance away, he must have been running for a while.

The way he talked about the castle made it feel dangerous, but I didn't feel all queasy like I usually do when I look at something truly dangerous. When I looked at my front door to tell my sister of my findings, I got that feeling. This feeling looking at the castle now was the opposite. A feeling of new opportunities.

That castle. That's where I'll stay. That's where I'll make my new home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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