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Echoing bells chimmed lightly, as if they were the small joyful laughs of pixies. With beautiful and sparkly wings, one would imagine.

Fairy Tales have been an almost magical part of everyone's childhood. Tales of horrifying witches, brave princesses, and evil giants. Fairy Tales help us to do the impossible and make it possible.

But ah, reality is never really like that isn't it?

The point in life where one realizes that there were actually no brave princess to admire, orany scary giants to battle against. It ends up being school or work taking up your time, trying to get the best scores in class, and trying to not collapse as you have your third cup of coffee today.

Len kagamine entered the small cafe huffing, trying not to collapse before he could take a seat. His feet scampered to the salvation of the padded wooden chair as he plopped himself down and let out a satisfied sigh of relief. The 14 year old has never been a fan of group projects; there were way too many things that could go wrong or waste his valuable time. He was never a people person in the first place, he wouldnt want to waste his breath on people who had minds of toddlers. Especially if he was assigned to-

"Ah Len there you- AHHHHH!!"


The blonde haired boy groaned and rubbed his temples. This is the third time she's tripped over nothing.

"Ugh Miku can you at least not break everything i did for our project?"

The twin tailed, teal haired girl wobbly stood up, her head still spinning from the impact she had with the floor. Paint brushes, water colours, and canvases scatter around her. She pouted at the annoyed glare Len was sending to her.

"Aw come on !! Its not my fault the floor and walls hate me.."

Len gave her a look and she crossed her arms together and pouting before sticking her tounge out at him. Len sighed. How the hell is Miku the same age as him and related to him? He couldnt understand how such genes that flew through Miku, flew through him too. 'Well at least we both dont share the same parents' Len thought. He shruddered at the thought of her being his sister. Miku being his cousin was annoying enough to him, her being his sister would cause him to go mental.

Now don't get me wrong, Len didnt hate Miku. He quite liked her when she wasnt destroying everything in sight by tripping over it and acting like a bratty 5 year old kid.


"Calm your tits Miku, im coming "

He mumbled before standing up from the wooden chair and walking towards the direction of a annoyed Miku, who was currently picking up paint brushes.

'Hmp what right does she have to be mad at me for? '

He snorted as he helped her pick up the remaining materials that were scattered around.

_________________ o r p h i c _________________

Len rolled his eyes at the chattering tealate in front of him as they both enter the school's gates. She wouldnt stop talking about her favourite pop idol, and Len assumed the God's must have cursed him today because he was the subjected victim of Miku's ear abuse.

As they both entered the hallway, Len tried to avert his focus onto the scene before him.
Students lingered in the hallway, chatting with one another while some were on they're way to class. A blue haired jock was joking around with his friends near the lockers, the pink haired student body president was scolding a first year, and so much more was happening yet all at the same time.

The screeching sounds of the school bells were heard and as if a moth attracted to light, the students dashed towards their repective classes. While Miku hastenly said a quick good bye to him and sprinted towards her group of friends before heading into her biology class, Len kept a calm and collected pace as he walked to his class.

He was for one, not a big fan of public education. The smart being weighed down by the stupid, how contradicting. He mused. Though he dislikes the loud classes and obnoxious students, education was still education. He sighed, looking around to see the once busy and noisy hallways, now silent and calm. Contradicting.

His eyes gazed at the time on his wrist watch, indicating he was already 3 minutes late for class. Len in all honesty didnt care. The school is full of morons who intoxicate the air so much, his mental state became numb. He came here for the purpouse of getting the piece of paper that would determine him a good job.

Footsteps echoing each step he makes, he thought he would at least put some effort into making it in time to class. With his hands in the pocket of his yellow hoodie, he quickened his pace.

As he was nearing his class, he saw a glimmer of gold rush past him and his breathe hitched. A pair of deep blue eyes who iris turned a sparkling light blue almost like a pair of diamonds, as they clashed with his darker pair. His eyes widened when seeing a bunny ear like bow, flopping as the owner dashes through the halls.

For once, Len kagamine was rendered speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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