NaiRan OS 1

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In this OS Naina-Meghna are not sisters and Karan-Kunal are not brothers.

Naina's POV

Today my life became a joke for everyone. My best friend Meghna's in-laws came to meet her in hospital as she delivered a baby girl today morning only. I was feeling very happy for her but what I heard made me stop on my way.


"Meghna , Taani has yet not delivered a baby na..??" asked Meghna's mother in law .

"Ya being married for 3 years she didn't bear a baby" said Maasi.

"Maa and Maasi .Please stop it. Don't say like that" exclaimed Meghna to keep them quite.

"What's wrong in that Meghna ? Its true." replied Maasi "and I wonder being married for 3 years why didn't she have a baby ? " Maasi again said .

"God knows !! May be there must be problem either in Karan or in Naina" said Meghna's mother in law .

" Stop it maa. There is nothing like that, they both are happily married ok " said Meghna defending me.

" NAINA " said Meghna sensing my presence. 

I just left from there and ran into my cabin.

~End Of Flashback~

I was broken,shattered and was feeling vulnerable. But they were right I don't have any child after 3 years of marriage but actually me and my husband ,Karan, doesn't share any marital relationship.For world we are a happily married couple leading a normal life just like others . But we are "just friends"..yeahhh "Just Friends". But its not our fault . It was an arranged marriage . Our parents wanted us to get married so we got married . But yeah I want to confess I started falling for him when I first met him but for him it was just a Forced Marriage . I got to know this on our wedding night, he told me very clearly that he got married as he was forced by his parents and accepted this proposal as his mother was crying and he couldn't see anyone crying because of him so agreed to get married . I was broken at that moment , I thought that I will respect his decision so I controlled myself and faked a smile and said I'll respect his decision . I went into washroom to change but it was getting difficult for me to control anymore . I broke down in the washroom I closed my mouth with both my hands so that he couldn't hear me crying . I was crying and sobbing badly . My dream of having a lovable husband and a cute little family was now shattered . I was crying and crying when I heard a knock on the door.
"Naina ??" He was calling me from outside . I realised I forgot the time. After wiping my tears and clearing my throat I replied him saying "Coming".

I came outside with my head low so that he could not see my swollen eyes . I went towards the couch to sleep with a pillow and a blanket and not to forget with a hope too that he will let me sleep on the bed but I was wrong he without even caring went to sleep . After that night I learnt not to expect anything.

I always took care of him and even tolerated his anger but I didn't give a damn because I love him whole heartedly and will always show my care and affection towards him . Sometimes I even felt like screaming and telling him how much I love him but you know everything is not in our hands . I always used to wake him up for the office , prepared breakfast and always used to keep all the necessary things for office work ready . I completed all my responsibilities of being a wife and I would never blame him for not completing his responsibilities because the Respect he is giving me is more than enough . I can't even force him to love me because I want him to love me whole heartedly not forcefully . From last 3 years we are living a robotic life . Me and Karan both going to office and coming back home late and directly going to sleep.
But what can we do it's our destiny and we can't help it. I don't want Karan to fall for me forcefully I just want that when I die just a drop of tear,a single drop of tear should roll from his eyes . That would be my last wish . I don't want to make him cry , but that single tear will mean a lot to me , as he cried because he will MISS me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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