Thanks for the love,
Thanks for the hate.
Thanks for standing around.
Thanks for letting me frown.
Thanks for being the worst friend.
Thanks for using me for yourself.
Thanks for laughing in my face.
Thanks for talking about me behind my back.
Thanks for NOT being there when I fell.
Thanks for NOT helping me up.
I watched you walk by,
As I was torn apart and beaten
I watched as you lived happily,
I saw you destroying others in your path.
I watched as you kicked the pieces
I gazed as you cried.
Remember when you were in my place?
Now I'm here and you're there.
You're glidding on life as if you have it all,
But underneath you are just as broken as me.
You are treating me the way they treat you,
And I've only been here to help you.
But you just had to find a way up and out to safety
Where you aren't kicked around like a tattered ball.
But when they drop you back down don't expect me to help you up,
Because I CAN'T...
You pushed me down and now this is where I am,
I can't help you so don't come to me.
Go to someone who is above your height,
Someone who can look down and pull you up.
Because you pushed me down
So now what?