The Lovers Have Died

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All of a sudden the room became icy cold and a terrifying shriek rang out from the old home. Cold sweat runs in rivers down my back as a scream rings out through the halls again. I wrinkle my nose as a rotting stench hits my nostrils. I gag and tears came to my eyes as it invades my lungs. I stagger forwards and fall to my knees as the cold air pushes down on me. The floors let out a large creak and all the doors slam shut at once. The darkness coils and swirls along the floorboards, reaching me and grabbing my legs. A scream tears its way out of my throat as black daggers plunge into my flesh, ripping their way through my bones. A high pitched laugh crows from the darkness, echoing along the hallways as a loud crack drowns out my screams, the lights flickering off and on. Through tear blurred eyes I can see the faint outline of a figure in the corner. A bright smile, a silver flash, a red haze... Choking on my screams and the warm, substance in my throat I release the words with my eyes that my mouth can not. I melt into a twitching mess, my sight blending into a crimson red haze of agony. The soft pitter-patter of his footsteps graze the ground and stop beside my head. The high laugh resounds again, and I feel someone breathing heavily in my ear, sending shivers down my arched spine. "Shhh... Now you're safe, no one can hurt you now." He whispers in my ear. "A-Aidan...?" I whimper, as he lays himself beside me on the floor. "Yes Jessie. It's me, I know I can never have you if you never cooperate with me. So if I can't have you... No one can..." He whispers, bringing the bloodied knife to his chest. He turns his head so he can see me. "I love you Jessie, but this way, we'll always be together. Always." He plunges the knife into his chest and smiles, before yanking it out. His eyes becoming glassy and I scream, black spots clouding my vision. The last thing I see is Aidan's dead body.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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