✧Introduction ✦ Rules✧

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Elysian/e•ly•sian/(Adjective)Beautiful or creative;Divinely inspired;Peaceful and perfect

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Beautiful or creative;
Divinely inspired;
Peaceful and perfect.



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✧ The book/books you'rerequesting for must bepublished with at leastone actual chapter

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The book/books you're
requesting for must be
published with at least
one actual chapter.

Do not shop hop or
request from any other
shop's once you've requested
something from me, it's rude
and I spend a lot of time
on my covers.

Use the cover I made you
for at least two weeks, I took
the time to make it for you so
I'd appreciate if you used it
more than a couple
of days.

Make sure to credit me in
the description or summary
of your story and follow me
after I've finished your
covers as payment.

Do not copy any of my
covers or try to claim
them as your own.

Please be patient after
requesting a cover/covers
from me, I'll always try to
get them done as quickly
as I can.

You're able to request up to
ten covers at a time when
making a request but please
do not make multiple different
comments on the form, instead
reply to your first comment
with the other cover forms
or try to do it all in one

I'll allow you one re-do for
each cover, just comment on
the chapter or private message
me after I've completed your
covers what you'd like me to
change or what you would
want differently.

Please do not try to remove
or cover up my watermarks,
I make them very small and
barely noticeable at all.

On the request form to show
that you read all the rules
I will include a password;
The password is the name
of your favorite television
show along with your
favorite character
from that show.

© Sootsy 2017

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