Hey Anna

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(Please help me share this to Anna)

So this is not original or whatsoever, I know someone wrote a story dedicated to you in wattpad for some reasons to express their feelings towards you. So, I'm going to make one too, not because I want attention It's because I really want to share my life before and after, after. get it cause After, AFTER ;)

Anyway, before anything else, way back then or not that much way back then I made an account just to see and vote for "After". I wasn't that book-ish person or what they call "book worm" sort of ""Always Reading"" I just don't like reading that much.

I heard "After" from my friends way back 7th grade. I was often off  their topic. they were like

"YOU KNOW AFTER HARRY IS LIKE AGFSHGSDSBHF" or like "TESSA IS SUCH AN VIRGIN GSDFSHJFJDBH" So, I asked them "what are guys up to?/what are you reading?" (I just can't remember that much) I was interested because they were so fangirling anddd I just don't wanna be left out of their conversation. 

And then there my Wattpad adiction was born. 

I hate to admit but probably I'm one of the persons who posts a comment saying "UPDATE!!" "UPDATE"



I'm one of the persons whose literally crying at every chapter and my parents be like

"You're crying again" "Why are you crying?" "STOP ACTING LIKE A BABY" 

like they don't understand me. 

I spend most of my time reading after. There comes a time I wasn't able to read like a couple of chapters and ended up reading them so fast than your update. You literally change my prospective in life. reading comprehensive, my attitude towards reading, my vocabulary, and I became a fast reader.

idk. I think you're like my 40% over 100.

20% - food

40%- fangirling/social media.


I started talking like After harry a few days ago, uhm.. Weeks ago I think?

I started cussing like him too omfg. weird huh.

But yeah, I stopped it because I think I was hurting somebody.

Anyway, You just don't know how emotional I am towards this fanfiction.

This is the only fanfiction that made me cry. not lying, no joke. serious talk over here.

But seriously, I end up screaming inside our house or at the public (you know when you're bored and you just wanna read) I cry nonstop until my eye sack gets worst or is already swollen. I eat, alot. eventually I am skinny BEFORE after. And I just gained alot since then. (cause, you gotta eat while you read *wink*) 

but the negative sides.

We aren't allowed to bring phones in school, like literally SCHOOL. not only inside the class but the whole school. Eventually I bring my Iphone with me on my way to school to read and I also read during our lunch time inside the bathroom. Believe me, It was a tough time for me to hide it at the same time.

But still I love you. (◡‿◡✿)

I sleep around 2 am or 3 am even I have school the same day like I will wake up at 5am so theres like 3 or 2 hours of sleep (my mom doesn't know about this) But yeah, I still love you. (◡‿◡✿)

So, yeah you just turned my world upside down. I'm here to support you till' the end. sad to say my friends who "LOVES" After before I knew it, wasn't interested to the story anymore. but that's okay cause alot of us loves you. 

*flashback to make it more emotional* 

Remember the bet

that frat house

their first sex

Tessa cheating to Noah

Remember when we're all like "Molly u bitch" and turned out to be Steph was the fake friend asshole.

remember tessa kissing Zayn.

remember when seattle used to be Harry's biggest fear. (or sort of babies)

their back and fourth relationships

their fights then later on they'll have sex

fucking trevor checking on tessa

fucking harry hates fucking trevor for fucking checking on fucking tessa

Danielle and Liam </3 

so on and so fort. 

and now we're here... near to the end chapter. (dhjfdbbn,verkfmenrlkjnv) 

You, having your "After" movie

then later on will be published on books.

The media, everyone.

You'll get popular.

Your story will be the best seller.

Its a life changing sucess.

I am so proud of you Anna.

We're all proud of you.

We we're here since the begining. (lets just say when After was still in wattpad not in movies or whatsoever) 

I can't wait to tell to my parents or friends "Hey, I was there when its posted on wattpad. wow she's now having a movie" 

Everything was so fast and so worth it.

I love you Anna and your Updates.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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