Gregish meeting

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Annabelle had finished her shreksy day with Shrek. Now was time for the Godly worship of God, Greg. The beutifull creature with no legs and two hell of some arms. 

Annabelle, lost in thought forgot to greet the fool of the church, Fiona, who Annabelle had just finshed killing. 

She bent over slowly but thoughtfully, she held her hand out, lundged for her shoulder. Plasing her lips against the disgusting hair on her ear she whispered. "Wtf Wyd lol" 

Fiona trembled with fear and Annabelle walked away.

Shrek was in the other room, thong and nothing. Annabelle smiled and looked away, she had been having a terrible feeling latley. She felt her power of the people if a /obvious foreshadow/ was arrising.

She waited all service, it wasn't even fun when they made someone think they were dead, leading them to commit suite.

Shrek nudged her wenis. "Lol it be good wear heelies to escape your feelies 😂" her face conformed back to normal. Doing that face took a lot of strength, and Annabelle didn't wanna go on. And as if a red monster had come to the door after murding her neighbor, Kevin, she saw a rainbow colored, huge breasted half devil half angel walked into the door. Annabelle stood up right away. No one could take her spot as mar-completely fair character.

The un-named women floated across the room, her MASSIVE tites bouncing up and down as she went. She took one look at Shrek, anime gasped, looked away, she kept walking. Shrek's thong stretched. Annabelle didn't-no, couldn't say anything. The moment spoke for itself, a whole new world. Not as dazzling as Shrek's nose. Not dazzling at all.

Greg watched over them. Little did Annabelle know, he sent the girl. Annabelle must be stopped.

So Greg could have Shrek all to himself.

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