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Hi... Your probably wondering Why I'm making this book. Even if your not... Just... Just go with it please. I've had a bad week.

I was bullied from the age of 3 to.. Still getting bullied. (I get called ugly and people call me names and hate me.. Some people call it bullying)Currently  I'm in Jr. High (middle school) I just started 6th grade and had left my childhood 2months ago.. Ima say it cuz I know it's tru. MIDDLE SCHOOL SUCKS... LIKE BAD.
I know you probably hear "School sucks" "schools awful" "I hate school" ... WELL HECK!  It's freaking true!

School drained me if you couldn't tell. Your probably thinking, "oh she's going threw her emo faze! It's totally Normal" well... I'm not.. I'm really not I'm just kinda sad right now because I can't eat food because I can't have milk or cheese or anything... And that's all my school gives me so.. Im skinny af. Ever see a little white girl with brown hair and blue eyes but her body kinda looks like a skeleton. Well you found me!

Now to get to the topic I was going to right about but keep getting off topic because, well.. I have ADHD. If you didn't know what it stands for, it stands for this. ADHD- Active-a word I can't remember-hyper-disorder! So that basically means I get distracted easy(I..if you couldn't tell already) and I usually talk a lot and I'm very.. Active(when I want to be)
Ok. Bullying. A way people try to make you feel bad because they want to look better and happier than you but they need to force you to be depressed first. Before They Bully You-Loved By All, So Happy.😃- after-Hello Darkness My Old Friend 😢- this makes me so mad because they make you feel worth less than you already are and ruin your life basically.

Now this book is made for anyone but this is dedicated to girls. -Men Suck. They call you ugly, but you not a mirror. You are so beautiful.. You know God made boys first but he had to make a rough draft before a final (fabulous) copy😏

Even people with freckles, cuz freckles are cute. People uh.. With Alittle bit more weight than everyone else your pretty too, your healthy cuz you actually eat unlike me and other skinny people who look like skeletons year round. Even skinny people are pretty.

I found this online so don't think I'm weird... Do 20 squats every day for 2months and you will have a big butt. this is the weird part.. You have to squeeze your butt when you come up 😂😂weird but somehow a little funny......ya I'm weird. AND IM PROUD!!

Never be afraid to be yourself no matter what anyone says. Ok back on topic. People judge each other by skin color-Black-Brown-White- and so white you look like a vampire(me)
What I'm trying to say is people judge people by there skin color or how they look. Someone could take a look at someone else's skin color or facial features and assume what they like and how they act. A specially people from Asia or people who have ancestors from Asia. They automatically assume they like sushi or they like anime and talk strange. It's sad really what people assume. They assume stuff and they haven't even talked to people.

Correct me if I'm wrong because this shocked me. Now I'm not racist, nor will I ever try to be. One day on the bus I was singing a song and the lyrics came naturally to me. I was singing it with my friends who just happened to have darker skin then me.
One of the lines from the songs said "cut a nigga off" it came naturally to me because I loved the song I didn't even realize I said it. Someone near me yelled at me because I had white skin and I said nigga. They said only black or half black people could say it  but.. They judged me by my skin color... I AM HALF BLACK!

I'm Italian, Irish, French, Native American, some Jamaican and A little Vietnamese. Irish is considered black, Native American, and Jamaican. I know there's more but I forgot. 3/6 so far I'm black!

I was always called ugly, creepy, white, a um.. Uhh....Hitch... With a B....
Because of how nice I was and kind I was when I was little I was easily picked on.. They said you'll never get a boyfriend, you'll be alone forever.. not to brag but.. HA IVE HAD A BOYFRIEND FOR 9MONTHS. and he actually loves me.😍.

JUST THE FACT THAT I GET SO OFF TOPIC AND WHEN I WRITE I FEEL LIKE IM TALKING TO MY FRIENDS.... Ok I'm tired so... Good night.... Or Good evening.... Or good morning... Which ever it is for you..
Remember to always believe in yourself and don't be afraid to do the things you've always wanted to do. Your all beautiful.. GOOD BYE MY BEAUTIFUL FALLEN ANGELS!
(I say fallen angels because some people like being called an angel but where not in heaven..yet. And some people just like the fact that there fallen and they like Satan.. For some reason.) anyway.. GOOD NIGHT.. IMAA PASS OUT NOW😴💤💤💤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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