♡ C h a p t e r 1 ♡

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I'm always tired but never of you.

~ ♡ ~

It was a clear day at Málaga, Spain. The sky was clear, cloudless without any sign of weather to change it. As kids kicked a soccer around the plain grass, a certain boy among them were extra skilled. He pulled a rainbow move and kicked the ball straight pass the kids feet, into the goal. Crowds erupted in cheers from the sidelines, the boy panting from the effort as he relished the glory. His eyes skimmed over for the familiar blue eyes, until he fell upon a tan skinned female roaring the loudest of the bunch. His girlfriend, Calatina Picasso, the beautiful girl was half standing half seated, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight and her shirt reading "Go Rafael!" in printed bold. Rafael bathed in the glory before his attention was torn away by the sound of the whistle, his coach, Coach Copeland, was calling to switch him out. He blew a imaginary kiss to Calatina and jogged over the field, he fist bumped a male player on his team before seating himself. A lean muscular boy with tan skin and brown curly hair sat beside him, snatching the water from Rafaels hand and slapping him across the back. "Rafael! Amigo! That was an amazing score." He exclaimed praisingly, earning himself mumbles of agreement from the others on the team.

"That score is great, but you know what's greater." Rafael whispered, lowering his voice and pointing a thumb at Catalina. Who had taken a break from cheering as soon as Rafael had sat down. "She's a real hottie alright, hotter than that Kim Kardashian, or that Kylie Jenner." Santiago whispered back, smirking as Rafael nudged him back to reality. "I plan on proposing to her tonight, fancy dinner, fancy suit, amazing time. She won't say no." He replied, proudly showing off his muscles and halfway clean teeth. He may be handsome, but every once and awhile he's had food between his teeth or slight signs of yellow. He spent too much time fantasizing the moment that he didn't hear the coach yell until he was suddenly shaken. Taken out of his fantasy world, he got up and jogged towards where his teammates lined up to clap their enemies hands. Due to his famous shot, most of the enemies claps were more cutting off his blood circulation and painful slaps that would definitely leave a mark. Rafael left the line and marched over to the locker rooms to change, sweat dribbled down his forehead and stained his shirt as he clamored in tiredly. He and Santiago stuck close, they were basically two pods on a pea, or was it peas in two pods? Rafael thought confusingly, but shrugged and continued undressing. After he put on some deodorant, took a fresh shower, and got new clothes, he walked out the locker room to meet his expectant Catalina. The girl looked even prettier up close, and his heart drummed quickly in his chest as he approached her. He swallowed his anxiety for later the day, and took Calatina into his arms. He held her into an embrace, twirling Catalina around and smiling at the sound of her lovely laughter. "Nice to see you too, Rafael." She replied thoughtfully, letting herself down and kissing him on the cheek, which made him smile even larger.

I will propose to her tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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