Love's Proof

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  • Dedicated to The most loving two mens that I will ever have. <3

Once upon a time there was this girl. Let's call her Amy. She always thought she's a real fashion disaster. Let me tell you something more about her. She loved everything. From the first kiss in the morning, till the last breath of love in the evening. Maybe she wasn't really good at shoping, but she loved cooking. She loved dreaming...

Then one day she met him.Let's call him Dave. They met in a small town cafeteria. Of course - they fell in love.Maybe he wasn't the best kisser, but he was a great lover. With each day their love grew. So they were doing everything together.Eating, shoping, dancing, smiling and sleeping.

Then one day he took her on a trip with boat. They were sailing over the ocean, when finally they stopped at small island. In the early morning he asked  her to come out. He was standing in a pale sunlight. When she came over, he asked to her: "Will you marry me?"

She stood quiet. She hugged him and he carried her to the water. He was readly to wait. Minutes passed and Amy finally said: "I do." 

After a week they came back home and had a small wedding - only two of them. Then came the honeymoon... Magically, their love just kept growing. After four years they had two kids. When they were born, they became just like their parents - sweet and loving.

the years were passing and the bad news came. The doctors found out that Dave has a cancer. Amy was hurt. Even though Dave was sick, he still loved Amy and kids. The illlness meant nothing to him. The doctors were trying to heal him. But after six months he died. Amy couldn't forget his smiling face when she saw him for the last time. She had the photos and memories of him. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough. The kids were also hurt, but they kept on smiling. and so did Amy.

When after five years, the doctors found out that the kids also had a cancer. It was a hereditary illness. After a year both of her kids passed away. Amy was empty.

She wanted something rememberable, something that could remind her of Dave and kids... So one day she rented a boat and went back to the island where Dave asked her to marry him. Nothing was changed. She started to live in the memories of past... In some way she was also running away from love. She made a necklace from the ring that Dave gave her many years ago. The island became her home. After few months she met another male on the island. But she didn't want to love again. After so many years, Dave still had her heart. So the man took care of her.

Amy was waiting for loneliness to come. Without Dave and kids she felt empty, but not lonely. So one day she went to the eadge of a cliff. First time in her life she scream out all the pain, till there was nothing left. then she broke down and fell asleep. She was tired. Then she saw Dave. In her dream. He was playing with kids, laughing and smiling. He came to Amy, kissed her and held her face in his arms.

"Listen, darlind. I know it's hard to live without me, but, please, don't cry." Dave said. Amy was looking in his eyes.

"It's so hard without you," she whispered.

"I know, darling," he said and kissed her again. "But you know, I'm here. I'm in every butterfly that passes you by... I'm in the wind that passes you by... I'm the sun and the moon, so I can watch you each day and night. I'm here." he said and put his hand on his heart. Then he faded away. The only sound around her was wind. She heard it whispering: "I love you...". Then she woke up. With a blanket covering her body, she felt warm. It was the midle of night. A full moon. She was smiling, because she knew that Dave's watching her right now. Even when he's gone, she didn't fell alone, because she knew - Dave's in her heart. Every day, every night, every second. 

"I love you," she said and fell asleep again. But this time she was happy, because she was with him.

The heart was quiet, the ocean was calm and she was happy.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Then thing I was trying to tell through it - love's never weak, sad, expensive or harsh. It's kind, strong, filled with happiness and gentle. Everyone has their own love story - if you don't, then it will happen, sooner or later. At the end of story Amy died from sadness, cause there are those times when you have this feeling - there's an open hole in my chest. And that's how Amy felt. Dave was the best thing that happened with her, and it will always be that way. She held him in her heart, till she realised, that love's never gone. Sometimes you're just too empty to keep on living, you're so desprite your happiness, that suddenly you're in another world. It's the life after death. You become happy, because your soul goes where ever your heart leads and Amy's heart lead her right to Dave and kids, and they were already waiting for her. Love is never lost... once you find it, it's for a lifetime. 

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