Fortune Teller

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~Mitch's POV~

"Fortune Teller!" Tyler (MunchingBrotato) says happily. He runs over to the woman.

"Oh Tyler," Jason laughs as he runs too.

"Those two. Might as well humor them," Sky says. He walks in the direction of the joyful boys. I shrug and follow. It's already Tyler and Jason's turn by the time we get to the stand.

"One at a time please," the Fortune Teller tells us.

We obey and go in one by one. First Tyler, then Jason, Jerome, Sky, Ty and I'm last. I step in the small room and close a door behind me.

"I'll warn you now, the thing you wish for will come true, but it may not be the way you hoped," the woman tells me. Sure, I bet. "Stare at the crystal ball and think intensely about your wish. Whisper the wish once and you're done. Free of charge."

I think of a wish.

"Ready? Start," she tells me.

'I wish Jerome would love me for me' I think to myself.

"Now whisper it."

"I wish Jerome would love me for me," I whisper as quietly as I can.

"Perfect darling! The wish may take up to 24 hours to take full effect," she smiles.

"Okay, thanks," I say as I leave the room.

The group continues as normal, but the wishes starting coming true. Jason wished for free food (what a great wish) and within minutes, there was a food stand giving away baskets of food and candy to anyone who passed. Sky wished to hit 10 million subs in the near future, and he got a notification 10 minutes later informing him that he has gotta 10 million subs. Ty wanted to get free money and within hours, he had found dollars lying on the ground to add up to $137. Tyler wanted to get noticed by fans. He got noticed by 20 different people by the end of the day. Wanting to get more popular on youtube, Jerome got 25 thousand more subs in less than an hour. My wish still hadn't come true. I really hope it will.

"Ow," I whispered to myself. I stopped and looked at my pained hand. My fingers seemed to be getting more feminine. I blinked and shook my head then my hand was normal again.

"What's wrong dood?" Jason asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing.. Nothing's wrong."

"If you're sure your alright," Jerome says suspiciously.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

We continued on but the pain in my hand wouldn't subside. Soon the pain started spreading to my forearm, then to my shoulder.

"Ahh!" I yelled out in pain.

"Mitch, you are not alright!" Sky says.

"Yeah, let's just go home," Ty agrees.

By the time we get home, my head was throbbing with pain and I could barely walk. I walked up to my room and lied down on my bed. Everything hurt and I think my eyes were playing tricks on me because my hair seemed to be getting longer. I just need to go to sleep. If I sleep, everything will be alright. If I sleep, I'll be oka-. I fall asleep with my thoughts.

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