Welcome, welcome. I presume all of you are here because you wish to compete in this Writer's Games. Now, we still have 24 spots open, and you are welcome to sign up. Challenges shall begin once all the spots have been filled.
1. You have one week to complete each challenge. Valid reasons (exams, being grounded- anything outside your control) may constitute an extension. If an extension is granted, you have the following week to turn in both challenges- the late one and the current one.
2. You must create a separate book on the participating account's Wattpad profile for this competition. You may entitle it whatever you like, but one of its tags must be "mycastleofbooksWG".
3. Stories will be judged on quality, not popularity. I do not care how many votes or reads you manage to conjure up.
4. Stories will either be given a rating of 1-5, or a pass/fail grade.
5. There will be a total of fifteen challenges. Participants may not be eliminated every time, but multiple ones may be eliminated at once.
6. Grounds for elimination are incompletion of a challenge or poor work on a challenge (rating of 1).
7. Stories must correlate with each other. You are welcome to read each other's entries for information on their tributes. If the girl from 1 has blond hair, the other must say that she has blond hair, instead incorrectly saying that her hair is brown.
8. At the same time, if there is to be dialogue between two or more tributes, it must be co-written by the authors, with note to the different perspectives.
9. By following rules 7 and 8, remember- it is the author reading these, not the characters. If no one tells them, they should not know it.
If you wish to enter, please comment the district and gender of your tribute. The following spots are open:
1M: @Little_Mickey
1F: @charlottevanvelzen
2M: @tied1213
2F: @Queeniish
2F (backup): @everything_author
3M: @SaxonQ
3F: @DJMalik_Lover
4M: @MissingPaiges
4F: @SSTomlinson
5M: @chosen_one
5F: @QueenOfBudder
6M: @RainingCloud
6F: @iEatedUrCooKies
7M: @Fluffy_Mustaches
7F: @truants
8M: @TrainsArePretty
8F: @Mariaalarcon12
9M: @CoolLogic
9F: @Lolwierdo
10M: @ShaunYap
10F: @5SecOf_Harold
11M: @DimensionCX
11F: @dontactthirsty
12M: @xDeathBySleepx
12F: @DiamondTiranity
Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions, please drop me a line on my message board.