months come and go seasons change. This October air stings my skin. I'm still at school it's 5 or so I'm waiting in my dad to come and pick me up. I listen to leaves as they glide along the concrete with the wind. I wonder how long it'll take them to get to their final resting spot where they will soon disappear into nothing. I go to school and sometimes wonder why social outcasts even exist. Sometimes I want to ask what is so different about me you feel the need to judge, or why you put labels on me because my sexuality it's normal. One quote that I've used to get myself out of being bullied is "Homosexuality is not a mental illness." I'm still human (at least I think I am). I've tried to tell my parents that I'm half straight but they just tried to tell me that I'm not and society has gotten to my head and I'm just trying to fit into a social crowd so I won't feel so alone. the only time I don't feel alone is when I'm with Queen or Kiwi. I know my parents love me but it's hard for me to just talk to them without changing parts of my stories so they won't catch on to the fact that I'm not their perfect little girl I used to be. I mostly express myself through my music. if it wasn't for music I wouldn't be who I am today and if it wasn't for music I would still be the antisocial quite girl I once was.(ik it's crazy to think of me as quite). if I'm not listing to music I'm watching YouTube.
My Blurry Life
Randomthis is going to kinda be like a journal. I just need a place to write to escape my crazy life.