Chapter 1- Sugar

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Chapter One- Sugar

"Breathe." I recite to myself, after the feeling of my wind pipes closing in overwhelms me for the 100th time this morning.

I look at myself one last time in the mirror fixing my light brown hair to fall in front of my shoulders, making sure my makeup is set in place and sighing lightly as I say to myself "This is the best it's going to get Aria, stop procrastinating and lets just go."

I grab my bag and my keys and head out the door without seeing my Father as usual. Today marks my first day at Brinvaley High, a new school, new people and a new me. I haven't been to school in over a year, I've moved houses and I know absolutely nobody in this little town.

The drive to school was 15 minutes away so after a few old school jams I found myself reversing into a parking spot which seemed not too far away from the school doors. I looked at my clock and had 20 minutes to find the office, find my locker and then find my first class of the day, English.

The office ladies were exceptionally bored out of their minds but to my dismay she lead me to my locker but before I could ask her where room402 was, she was gone.

I gave out a big sigh placing my empty books into my locker and grabbed out the ones I needed. After what felt like an eternity of pacing around like a mad woman I finally found room402 and right on time as the bell rang.

I walked straight to the back of the room and placed myself at an empty desk, there still wasn't any teacher so I just sat there awkwardly taking in my surroundings. As I was looking around the room my eyes diverted to a beautiful 5'6 girl walk in with bright blue eyes searching for a desk, her eyes laid on the one next to me. As she walked towards the desk she gave me a friendly smile unto which I returned before- THUD.

She was smack bang on the floor, that's when I noticed the back of a blonde girl snickering amongst a few girls it registering in my mind that she had stuck her foot out to trip her.

I got up almost instantaneously to help the girl up; she gave me an appreciative smile.

"Thanks" she mumbled before walking over to a desk. I looked down at the blonde watching us still snickering.

"Why did you do that?" I asked the blonde still snickering; she stood up looking me dead in the eye the whole time.

"Nothing that concerned you bitch, but I'd be happy to include you if you'd like to walk past again" She spat at me.

I'm not quite sure what happened next, or what possessed me to PUNCH HER IN THE FACE, but she was on the ground and let out a piercing squeal.

"MISS BAILEE!" The teacher screamed that had I guess had just suddenly appeared in the room rushing over to the scene.

"I'm not sure what school you went to before Miss Bailee but this is not what we do around here, detention now" She yelled out me while helping blondie stand up who was shooting daggers at me holding her cheek with her hands.

The teacher walked to her desk and wrote out a note a little too hard and fast handing it to me "This has never happened to me on a child's first day Miss Bailee, go now." She demanded. I walked back to my desk feeling all eyes on me and glanced over to the girl that got tripped her mouth wide open.

"I can't believe you just did that" She whispered as I packed up my books, I just gave her a smile and walked out preparing to find this 'detention room.'

Fuck Aria, so much for keeping your head down and just going with the flow. I found a door finally with a laminated sign stuck to it in red, reading 'detention room.' I slowly opened the door and of course it creaked making all eyes shoot straight up to me.

My heart started beating incredibly fast and my self-awareness heightened by a thousand as all pair of eyes were a bunch of boys spread out over the room, some sitting up on the desks and one in particular against the window sill looking like an angel with the sun beaming behind him.

"I think you're in the wrong room sugar" Said one the boys up on the desks making a few of them chuckle.

"Is this detention?" I asked softly to one of the boys closest to the door who just looked at me with confused eyes before nodding slightly and pointing at the sign on the door like I was the dumbest bitch.

I took a deep breath in and out before closing the door behind me and walking to the only empty desk, luckily for me in the corner at the back.


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