When we are alone

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A seventeen year old Sasuke Uchiha walked down the short flight of white glass stairs, his sock covered feet touching the white and grey marble floor as soon as he stepped off of the last one. He made his way to the living room and grabbed his phone from the glass table right beside the italian leather couch, shoving it into his pocket.

He didn't bother saying goodbye to anyone or leave a note, he lived alone, like he had since he was 12. He owned a rather large house on the outskirts of town. Well his parents had left it for him when they had died some years ago.

Sasuke shook his head, his atramentous locks bounceing with the movement. He unlocked the door to his sleek, black corvette and slipped into the passanger seat, he crunk the car, it's engen roaring loudly as he rebbed it up just to satisfy himself before he put it into gear and pushed the gass. The tires screaming loudly as he sped out of his driveway and down the road to the Uzumaki resedence.

It didn't take him long to get there, beings he ignored the speed limit signs and made his way past the cars who were going to slow for his taste. He parked and made his way to the front door of the rather nice, large, house he knocked thrice and waited for someone to answer.

There was some shouting going on inside when finally Naruko, Naruto's older 16 year old sister answered the door. She squealed happily. "Ma! Pa! Saucegay is here!" She said in a sing song voice. "Come in, Come in!" She urged, shutting the door behind the raven haired Uchiha. The blonde haired girl ran upstairs to finish getting ready. Mexico here she comes!

Minato walked down the stairs with a yawn, not in any hurry. "Hello, Sasuke." He said cheerfully, smiling. "Sorry we called you in such a short notice, but Kushina, Naruko, and I are going to Mexico to a famous casino, but little Naruto is to young. We'll be gone for about one week, maybe more if Kushina lets us." He explained as he combed his hair in the mirror on the wall beside a picture frame of a family photo. "You can handle that, can't you, my boy?" Minato joked, running upstairs.

Kushina was yelling at someone on the phone. "What do you mean no one can cover my shift?" She shreaked, knocking down a lamp in her rage. "Well let me speak to Joshu-I don't fucking care if he's on break, I'm going to Mexico and I'mma gamble, And I'mma have sex, and you can't do jack shit about that! W-what? Oh..Hello Mr. Joshua..Yes..Yes.. I need someone to cover my shift.." She smiled, her mood changing dramatically as she walked in the other room, hopping on one foot trying to get a shoe on.

Naruto heard all of the yelling and talking and decided to go check it out. Yeah, there's always yelling and talking but there was more than usual. He climbed down the first set of stairs and looked down. He squealed in happiness with what he saw. Sasuke Uchiha! He climbed on the rail and slid down, jumping off and hugging the Uchiha around the waist. He let go and smiled happily, "Hi, Sasuke-teme!" He loved it when Sasuke babysat-*cough* mansat him, because he was so fun! He let him do basically whatever he felt like as long as he didn't kill himself. Which he usually almost does each time but that doesn't exactly matter. His troubles
of his parents leaving him were all gone now that he knew Sasuke would be baby sitting him.

Sasuke was use to all the talking and action that took place at once in this house hold, he had babysat, or 'Mansat' as Naruto liked to call it, Naruto quite a few times over the past couple years.

He was a fiesty little bugger, that was for sure. Like a little ball of energy, he didn't stop until you forced him to. He was a good kid tho, just very outspoken. Tho Kushina and Minato tried to give him enough attention and love they could only dish out so much with work, another kid, and their 'sex life'.

When we are alone by Swallowed-By-PainWhere stories live. Discover now