That little

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I instinctively looked behind me to see if she was talking about someone else even though I perfectly knew she meant me.

"Yes you the one who looks like she's slept with five different guys today"
"Back the fuck off Amanda"

That came from Angel.

"Yea bitch leave her alone we all know your the real hoe in this fucking camp"

That came from Lupin. I glared in his direction. He had managed to say three different curse words in one sentence. Sometimes I wonder where he learned so many curse words in his short life.

"Aw look at that the new slut even got little Lupin to stand up for someone, what have I missed in the short time I've been gone"
"You've been gone a whole year there's nothing short about it"

I don't know who said that last part but I know it came from somewhere in the back. The next couple of days were....tense. Everyone either glared at Amanda or trembled at her presence. I tried to stay as far away from her as possible; let me tell you it wasn't easy.
She was everywhere. It was impossible. I started to think maybe she had teleportation as a power. I had to keep Lupin on a leash (figuratively) for the first month, he seemed ready to bite out her eyes. I started noticing how bad Amanda treated some of the kids. She had more swear words than I could even imagine. She made Lupin sound like angel. I also realized Savanah (the one who kissed Alex) was a huge kiss up; she would do anything literally anything Amanda asked her to do. She seemed a bit clingy.. a lot clingy; even Amanda seemed to hate her it was great. I had finally finished practice when I found Jackeline and Jack sitting near the forest looking at the clouds. I looked down at them and smiled. "Can I join you." Jackeline giggled and patted the grass next to her. I lied down next to her making sure to give them enough space. After awhile of laying there and watching the sky Jackeline got up and dusted off her skirt. "Well that was relaxing but I gotta get back to helping at the kitchen, see you later." She kissed Jack and hugged me and then left. Jack scooted closer to me and coughed...twice. He sat finally sat up and pulled me by my hand to stand up. I felt a bit uncomfortable since I don't really talk to Jack and the only time we've technically talked is when we first met, getting breakfast.

"Can I ask you something"
"Sure go ahead"
"How do you feel about me"
"Um ok I guess, we don't really talk"
"I would like to change that"
"Not to sound rude or anything but why are you trying to change that now after me being here for seven months"
"Your my girlfriends best friend and I really want to ask your advice about something but I don't want you to say anything without knowing me completely first"
"Ok, but what is it you need advice on"
"I can't tell you at least not yet"
"Alright whatever"

We started hanging out more and getting to know each other better. He's not that bad. Him and Jackeline are super cute together they're just so beautiful together I could scream out of cuteness overload. I'm like that I read a lot and I ship everyone with everything. It was finally bonfire night and Lupin convinced me to tell a story that night.

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