Where am I??!!

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I opened my eyes to.... a group of beautiful men???!!! 


They stared at me and I stared right back. What the heck is going on?!!!

After a while, the leader of the group pointed a sword at me. "Who are you?"

Somebody, please tell me WHAT the hell happened?!

Before the incident~

"Rinnnnnnng!!!!!!!!!!" The school bell announced. A raven-haired girl with her hair tied into a ponytail ran through the school's gate, speeding at an impossible before tackling to the ground as she slid through the school's gates just before it closes.

 "Woohoo! Made it in time!" The girl shouts while panting for air, her fist-pumping the air. 

Everybody turned their head to look at her, wondering what the commotion is. However, once they did, they couldn't find themselves to look away. The girl was pretty, but it was her striking golden eyes that stunned everyone.

Weaving her way out through the crowd, an innocent-looking girl emerges. She had light pink her, with adorable innocent eyes. Although at the moment, she adorned a look of absolute helplessness as she sighed.

"Haaaahh...How do you always manage to come right on time, Via?!" 

"Haha, now, now, Lu."  Via turned around to face her friend, Luna, or Lu as she called it. Giving her a bright smile, "Let's go in now, or I'll actually be late."

Via's POV

Walking down the hallway, Luna asked, "Meet me in the library at lunch?" 

"For science?" Luna nodded. "Sure, then."

Then the day went on as usual. Classes for the first few periods then came lunch. Thinking it was going to be a normal, boring day,  I walked to the library sighing to myself. Little did I know that things are going to be FAR from normal.

"Via! Here," shouted Luna, trying to get my attention. The library was large and spacious, with high shelves of books and on the right, students were scattered all across tables. Placing down my binders next to Luna's on a table, I patted off the invisible dust on my hand. 

"Shall we look for books, fir-", then someone started to laugh. Very loudly.

Smiling, a blonde girl continued her story. "And th-  Oh, look. If it isn't Via?"  Noticing me, she gave me an arrogant smile.

Oh. Victoria.  My eyes were full of disdain. Contempt and disgust. 

Want to know why? I had a close childhood friend. A boy whose pretty face caused quite a lot of trouble. A blond girl named Victoria fell for him just like any other girls. However, she thinks he is only hers.  Planning to use me to get close to him?  Thinking of using me?  Humph, don't even dream of it!  Seeing how her plan didn't work, she saw me as a threat. 

'Great.'  I sighed internally

Ignoring Victoria completely, I turned to Luna"Luna, let's look over there first." 

I pointed to the reference section of the library, leaving first with Luna to following behind me.

Frowning at the lack of attention, Victoria then decided to plot a malicious scheme, following behind me with her sidekick.  'This is what you get for getting in my way.'


"What the...? What's this?" Holding an old book in my hand, I called Luna over.

" 'Wrath of the Jealous Goddess'? Huh...",  she had a muddled look on her face. "Probably some kid put a fiction book  in the wrong place."

"I never expected the all A-student Via, would be reading some children's book," said Victoria. With a haughty smile, she approached me with her sidekick snickering by her side.

My eyes narrowed.  With a smile of ridicule, "Well, if it isn't Victoria? What are you doing here? Isn't these books too hard for you?" 

She lunged at me, "You bit*h!"

Smiling, I moved out the way. Despite that, she still manages to hit my arm, causing me to drop the book. The book fell open, however, all my attention was on Victoria who crashed into the bookshelves. In spite of knowing that the troubles this will cause, it was satisfying.

  Abruptly, a white circle surrounds the four of us. Foreign words began rises from the fallen book    

 Foreign words began rises from the fallen book    

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"What did you do?!" Victoria yelled. I frowned, not knowing how to make heads or tails out of the situation. In the next moment, all I could see was white. Breaking the silence, the voice sounded in my head, deep and profound. 

 "With the powers granted to you, Break the Goddess's Curse."  

Then, everything went black. 

Current situation~

I opened my eyes to.... a group of beautiful men???!!! Haaaahhhh???

They stared at me and I just stared right back. What the heck is going on?!

After a while, the leader pointed a sword at me. "Who are you?" He had golden sun hair with a refined face that had a gentle light to it. However, right now his face is grim and fierce.

Silently, I looked at my surroundings. Wherever I am, this does not look like Canada.  I was in a clearing in some forest. The trees around me dusted with the colors of autumn, signifying the arrival of fall. Now if it's just the trees, I would have thought we're still in Canada; but for some reason, there was a castle in the distant background. For certain, there wasn't a castle in Canada where I live.

Retracting my eyes from the lovely view, I gazed back at the leader. However, when our eyes met, I was astonished. He had emerald green eyes which glow like nature itself. From the look on his face, he probably just as astonished as I am.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a black heap move... Wait, no! That's Luna!  "Luna!" Standing up, a cold blade stopped me from moving any further.

"Don't move!" The green-eyed man threatens, inching the sword closer to me. Not knowing what to do, I stayed frozen. 

My god.....What did I just got myself into?


Hello! I am a new writer.

I do own this story.

Anyways, I hoped you enjoy reading my story   ^-^

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