Chapter 5: The Finale

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"Step away from the console." Lotus stepped away, shaking. The woman went over to the bomb and tutted. "You've been a bad boy." She pressed a small sequence of buttons, and the red button lost the light within the button. "Now, turn around." Lotus did was he was told and the woman took his AK and USP. "Now, how did you survive?"

"Healthy living? Exercise and eating healthily?"

"Ha ha, no seriously, how did you survive?"

"Uh, someone knocked me out and I found myself within a safe house."

"Okay, that's all I need to know." She shot Lotus in the leg; he screamed like his sister had been killed. Suddenly, a door burst open and out from the gloom, Meriweather appeared. He was brandishing a shotgun, and Lotus heard a shot. Thinking the woman was dead, he got up and went for his weapons when the woman said "Stop." He turned around and saw Meriweather on the ground, lying on a pool of blood. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Lotus screamed. He limped to Meriweather, kneeling near him.

"You, have to, kill, her, before, she, disables it, *cough* *cough,* don't worry, Ava, is safe, ugggggh." 

Filled with a sudden rage, he jumped up, before collapsing because of his damaged leg. He crawled over to the shotgun, but the woman stepped on his hand, with her high heels. He screamed again, the woman took her foot off and he looked at his hand in a haze of pain. His hand was bleeding, but he realized something. The woman didn't take his shadow daggers. He drew a shadow dagger with his one uninjured hand and threw it. Just as the woman was about to finish disabling the bomb, the dagger pierced her side and she went down. He crawled over to her and checked her pulse. She was alive. Grabbing his guns, he used his AK to prop himself up and he limped over to the bomb. He somehow reversed what the woman did, and activated it. He activated his radio and sent a message. 

"You've activated the bomb? You have 5 minutes to get out."


Lotus limped to the door that Meriweather came through and saw some stairs. He groaned and started to climb up the stairs. He was at the top when the scientist radioed in again.

"You have 2 minutes to run."

Lotus walked slowly to the nearest building, somehow, the mutants didn't see him. He climbed to the top and sat down. He found a cigarette and a lighter, and he started to smoke. He felt a wave of heat, and the building blew up. He watched as a green gas billowed out and spread through the city. All the mutants became normal and his injuries were healed. He got up and went to the camp. He found Ava and hugged her. They watched as people started to rebuild.

All, was well. 

Well, that's what they thought...

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