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    “I was young back then, and that was before I was brought here. It was late on Halloween night. That year I dressed up as a clown, I knew it would be the last year I would be going trick-or-treating, so I decided to make it worth it. I brought my friends out to the cemetery. There were rumors that a girl that died on Halloween night a long long time ago and if even a soul was to enter the cemetery, on Halloween night, and stand on her grave for 13 seconds the ghost of the girl would haunt them for the rest of their life.”

    “Why do we have to come here? Why can’t we just go trick-or-treating like all of the other kids?”

“Because we are not like all the other kids, this is the last year we are going to be out-n-trick-or-treating. We can’t let it go to waste John.”

“It won’t go to waste, and I agree with Jonny, Charlie.”

“See James is smart enough to know this is crazy,” Said John

“I know, but don’t you guys want to be able to say you were brave enough to do the thing most kids are afraid of?”

“Yes,” agreed James, “Your costume looks great, Charlie.”

Thanks I wanted to make sure that this Halloween would be the scariest we’ve had,” Said Charlie, “Oh ya, and John if you want to wait by the front doors, you can.”

“Fine I’ll go,” Said John with a whining voice.

“That is what I thought,” Said Charlie with a big grin, “Let's get going.”

There was a loud squeak as the three boys tugged the overweight gates, that separated the cemetery from the rest of the town, open. They walked into the emptiness of the big dark cemetery. A distance away they could hear the laughter of small children talking and having the day of their lives. They walked further into the cemetery, finding more graves, and trees around them.

After a long silence, Charlie said with a slight quiver in his voice, “T-This’s it,      I-I’ll go first, I-I want to get it done-n-over with.” He lifted his foot and dropped it down onto the grave, and did the same with the other. “1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13.”

“Hay!! You get out of there!” Hollered a police officer, “You should not be in there.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Called James to the other two boys.

The three the boys dashed out and around the cemetery, jumping over the closest gate they came in contact with.

Three days after Halloween, on a Monday night, the other boys to meet Charlie at his house.

“Ooh! I wish I did not go to the cemetery on Halloween night. I am so stupid, I think the ghost, Beth, is and will haunt me for the rest of my life,” said Charlie.

“You are just messing with us, aren’t you, Charlie?” Said James.

“No, this is real!” Shouted Charlie in an irritated voice.

Charlie continued to tell the other people about the ghost haunting him. He went to get help from so many people, but nobody would believe him. People began to stay away from him, and were scared to be around him. Finally the townspeople got so sick of being afraid of him they sent him to a crazy home, and to this day he still talks about the ghost that haunts him.

“Have you been talking to yourself about the night you began seeing things, again Charlie?” Asked a tall man in a white long coat with Charlie’s dinner.

“Um, no,” Charlie lied quickly.

“You know that doesn’t help your mental state,” answered the man in the white coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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