1. Young Free & Single

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"Girl, I told you that boy was gonna do nothing but hurt you. And here you are sobbing over him getting makeup all over my white cushions. You know how expensive these are girl?! I also told you I was going to fight the guy if he ever hurt you," I told my bestfriend Kayla rather matter-of factly. Hey dont get me wrong, I love Kayla but damn, this girl gets blinded by any man that say he loves her.

"But... he.. said... he.. loved.. me," she said in between sobs. I hated seeing my bestie like this over some guy who never deserved her in the first place. But I know Kayla, once this girl falls, she falls hard. Luckily Im there to pick her up when she does.

"Thats what they all say Kayla, he probably said the same thing to his other women," I snorted. After hearing this, Kayla weeped even louder and fell onto my lap hugging the now stained cushion so tight, her dark knuckles were white.

I sat there patting her straight black hair listening to her sobs die down and gradually turn into soft breathing. I thought to my hair which was the complete opposite. Black and curly/frizzy. Sometimes I wish I had her hair seeing how she was able to throw it up into a ponytail and still look good. But I aint complaining, I could work a ponytail too.

I smoothly slid off the chair and got my keys not leaving until I grabbed the cushion she was holding and lifted her head placing it underneath her. Those cushion covers were so expensive.

I reached the grocery store and walked towards the ice cream aisle. I saw the back of a tall figure with broad shoulders, he was wearing a black suit, his hair slicked back. I noticed the guy turn around and walk in my direction. My eyes were probably the size of some basketballs right now because damn was he beautiful.

"Excuse me.. hello," this guy was talking to me. I straightened up my posture which proabably didnt look like much anyways considering my size. Who cares! "Can you move out of my way. You are taking up about half of this narrow aisle," he sneered looking up and down at me with disgust.

Wow, what a great attitude to compliment his great looks. Sike. Oh no he mothereffing didnt. (A/n I dont swear in real life lol so lets see how this'll go) Guys was he really talking to me? I know he was not talking to me!

I laughed at what he said and looked him straight in the eyes while leaning over his trolly and grabbed one of his cans. I shook it and opened it right up angling it towards his face gladly drenching him. I dropped the can in his trolley and left.

That'll teach him. Who does he think hes talking to? Messed with the wrong girl Mister. As I walked down the aisle I forgot I had to go back and get my ice cream. Damn it! But he might be there still. Ugh.
I walked around the other aisles trying to kill time and glady did not see any sign of Mister 'Can you get out of my way'.

I grabbed my ice cream and left the grocery store. Success! I drove back home listening to my oldschool jams 'Young Free and Single' by Sunfire admiring my free life. I was relationship problem free, working 9 to 5 getting money and most of all, I am happy. Hallelujah!

Finally I reached my house and opened the door up to see Kayla in her pjs cuddled up watching movies. I laughed. Oh gosh.. out of all the break ups, we hadnt reached sleepover level. I guess its movie night tonight!

I went up stairs and changed into some shorts and a baggy t making it look like I wasnt wearing anything under. I grabbed our two bowls of icecream, handed Kayla hers and sat down snuggling under the warm blanket. I dont know what we were watching but I know Kayla after breakups and this movie has to have something to do with crime investigation. I quickly threw my hair up into a messy bun and started eating my ice cream not knowing when I decided to fall asleep.

Next day

"Wake up Shar," I heard Kayla whisper shout but I groaned and pulled the blanket over me. "Shar, get your ass up girl," she said as a response to my actions. This girl knows dang well not to wake me up but still has the nerve to do it? "There's two big men outside your door. Wearing black uniform and everything, they were asking for you. Now go handle it."

It took me a minute to process this and literally forced myself to get up because for all I know, these two men or whoever was outside those doors can wait the whole day. Opening my eyes and rubbing away my morning residue, only then could I see Kaylas alarmed ones. I sighed knowing full well she was gonna smell my yummy morning breath. Not. Thats what you get for waking me up. Haha she hates it.

"Damn girl, your breath smells like shit. Lucky we've been friends forever and I know to have a few minties around me." She plopped the mintie inside my mouth and we both laughed.

I opened the door wider to see who was outside and it was two men. Both very muscular and big, dressed all in black. Im not gonna lie, these brown men were good looking.

"Are you Ms Brooks?" One of the guys asked in a serious tone.

"Uh.. yes. Why?" I replied mimicking their folded arms and serious tone.

"Youve been asked to attend to headquarters," the same guy stated.

I laughed. "Do you guys think I'm stupid?" I laughed again. "What do you mean 'headquarters'? Who the hell are you anyways?" I was starting to get angry. Did they think they could fool me? This was not the kinda breakfast I wanna be served with so early in the morning.

"We work for Sebastian Mathews, CE- " I shut the door before they could finish. Didnt know who a Sebastian Mathews was and didnt care. Byeeee big boys.

I peeked through the shutters a little bit and saw the two guys step into a black hummer with a phone to his ear. I smirked and turned around to see Kayla making some pancakes! Yasss pancakes!

"You are so rude," Kayla said as I sat leaning on the island.

"No, you are just too nice," I replied.

She looked at me knowing how opposite we were and chuckled.

"Pancakes and ice cream for breakfast?" She asked smiling

"Pancakes and ice cream for breakfast," I replied.

Kayla handed me the aux and we danced. Kayla cooking and I cleaning our mess in the living room.

Life was good.

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