Gone ( Walking Dead Fanfic)

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I closed my eyes in pain. I scratched my leg on a large rock. A large sharp rock. I let out a sigh. Keep moving forward Delilah. I let out a yell of frustration when I tripped over a twig. Suddenly a man in a sheriff uniform with curly hair and a pistol stood over me. Behind him a man in a vest with shaggy hair and a crossbow. I looked at both of them. My ears pricked at the sound of moaning in the distance. My eyes widened. Crossbow lifted me by my arm. He dragged me across the field. I yelped in pain. I looked down to see the blood soaking one side of my jeans. He glared at me and kept moving. I limped behind. We arrived at a prison. They led me through. A man with white hair and a scraggly beard saw my leg and helped me into what looked like the doctors room. He grabbed some bandages and ripped off the jeans there. I stared at my leg. I started to feel woozy but I shook it off. He wrapped bandages around it after he put some... alcohol.. in it. He smiled at me. He led me into a room. A girl who seemed around my age.. 18.. sat there with a little girl in her arms. I smiled. She looked up. " Hi" she said in a southern accent. " Hi" I answered. " What's your name" She asked sweetly. " Delilah" I replied " Yours" I quizzed. " Beth" she said smiling. The man who helped me walked in. " You can stay in here" He said kindly. " Thanks" I already liked it here. " Top bunk" Beth said. I nodded. I climbed up the ladder and started unpacking. I left my clothes in there. I left in my knife, my flashlight and my diary too. I only took out a book. The Book Thief. Made in 2006. My eldest brother gave it to me before he left for war. He died fighting for America. I put it at the end of the bed. I started humming How to save a life by The Fray. Curly walked in. " Hi..." " Delilah" " Delilah, may I ask you some questions" " Sure." " Okay, my name is Rick, How many walkers have you killed." " Around 200... I usually hide in trees." I answered. " How many people have you killed." I bit my lip. " 2" I say. " Why" " The first one was starting to turn and didn't want to live... the second wanted to die to stay with her." I lick my lips. " Okay that's all I needed to know." He left the room.            " Night" Beth said. " Night." I say back, drifting off into the sea of lost thoughts.

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