Train Ride and Resorting Part 1

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Draco's POV

Today was the first day back at Hogwarts after the war. I stood on the edge of platform 9 3/4 waiting to board the train. I said my goodbyes to my mother and father, then I left.. I got on the train and headed to the last compartment, I sat down on the right side, closest to the window and began to think about what this year has in store.

Harry's POV

I can't believe it's the day we go back to hogwarts. Im nervous and excited at the same time but more nervous then anything. I wonder if Malfoy is gonna go back? I mean, why should I care?

I sat with Ron and Hermione on a bench at the platform waiting to board the train. We were discussing what we were gonna do for the first day and if the school was back to its magical self.

"I wonder if Malfoys going back?" Hermione wondered aloud

"Who cares!" Ron replied

To be honest that hurt. I guess I really do care about Malfoy, in ways I shouldn't..
I think Hermione saw the hurt expression on my face when Ron said that because she asked to talk to me for a minute.

"Ron, can you excuse Harry and I for a moment?" Hermione asked as Ron nodded his head.

We walked away from Ron "Harry I know you're gay but is it for Malfoy?" she asked

"I, I, I don't know" I shuddered

Yup you guessed it! I'm gay.. I only told Hermione though. I didn't tell Ron because he would blow up on me, he's not very supportive.

Just then the train whistle blew and we ran on to the train. I think Ron heard mine and Hermione conversation because his face was bright red and he looked as if was he going to kill me. Hermione told me that her and Ron were going to sit in a different compartment so Ron could cool off. I ran to the back compartment and sat on the left side, closest to the window. Not even realizing Malfoy was on the other side staring at me, I began to cry.

Draco's POV

Potter ran into the compartment I was in and sat directly oposite of me. He started to cry not even realizing I was there.

"Harry?" I asked showing a little bit to much concern in my voice. He jumped And looked at me with wide eyes.

"Malfoy!" he started "sorry I should get going" he mumbled

"No please stay!" I exclaimed, he looked at me again and slowly sat down. "I want to be friends" I continued "I don't like fighting or calling each other by our last names" he nodded and agreed.

We discussed our lives at home and we shared all the dark times in our lives all the way to Hogwarts.

Harry's POV

I never really had the chance to talked to Malf- I mean Draco, because I like him too much to act normal around him and I just get so nervous.

Time Skip

We eventually got to Hogwarts (quicker than I expected), and met up with Ron and Hermione. Ron still looked as if he was going to kill me and Hermione looked as if she was still trying to get Ron to calm down.

"Let me guess" Ron rolled his eyes "You confessed your feelings to Draco, Draco confessed his feelings to you and you guys ended up snogging the whole way here" Ron glared.

My face went red as Draco looked at me with a confused look, what have I gotten myself into?!?!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this imagine and vote and comment on this and yeah ya know just do that..

Word count: 631

Hah you thought this was over didn't you?? Nope! Not yet..


I walked into the dining hall with Draco because Ron was still mad at me for supposedly liking Draco..

We sat down at the Slytherin table because all the griffindors were shooting dirty glares my way. As we sat down, Professor Shape (HE'S NOT DEAD IN THIS) started anouncing the new professors and that there was going to be a resorting. He started to call up students one by one and before I knew it, I was up in front of everyone, sitting on the stool and waiting for the hat to be placed on my head. As I was waiting I thought 'what if I'm not in griffindor?' if I wasn't then I'd be a disgrace I cant not be in Gryffindor it just doesnt work like that, I mean if I'm placed in Slytherin with Draco that won't be so bad will it?- my thoughts were interrupted by the sorting hat,

"I'm not even going to be placed on your head, we ALL know you're a slytherin." The Hat started "You're just to slytherin-y for griffindor."

I sat back down with Draco as the last 2 students we called up, I've never seen them around here before they must be transfers. Shape started talking again as he introduced 2 new students who were transfers and were both 8th years but one was sorted into Hufflepuff and the other was in Slytherin. They sat down at their tables as they seemed to be looking for someone. The Hufflepuff was staring at Draco and I was to busy focusing on Draco staring back to even realize that the Slytherin was staring at me. After 5 minutes of this staring thing I finally noticed the Slytherin staring at me, she looked super familiar but I just couldn't figure out why. She reminded me of a picture I saw a few days ago in my room.

Draco's POV

I can't believe Marley and Brooke came to Hogwarts! I was staring at Marley after she sat down at the Hufflepuff table because I haven't seen her in so long! She looks so different!

We were soon dismissed so I left the Slytherins and walked up to Marley. We hugged and talked about our lives and our new friends. We talked for like 10 minutes before Harry came over, looked Marley up and down, rolled his eyes and asked who she was.

"Im Marley" she replied with her signature cheeky smile,

He walked away and went over to Brooke. He asked her something, they both looked at Marley and I then continued talking.

"I don't think he likes me" Marley frowned,

"He just doesn't know you" I said sounding more like a question,

"I don't like when people have no reason for not liking me especially when I just met them. Did I give a bad impression? Did I do something wrong? What if he really hates me?" Marley worried.

Marley is one of those people who worry alot about what others think about them or say about them. Brooke on the other hand is a very confidant and strong independent person who doesn't give a shit about what others think.

Snapes POV (didnt see that coming did ya)

Oh my Lord these kids are love sick!

Harry's POV

I didn't think Draco was the kind of person to flirt with a stranger the minute they meet. I have to admit I was jealous that he was hugging her and that they were joking around. I went over to them and I regret rolling my eyes at her and being rude because she looked upset after I did that.. Draco seemed a bit confused too.. Why do I mess everything up:( I talked to Brooke, the other girl, for a few minutes but after awhile my freaking emotions got the best of me and I ran to my dorm. I found my dorm and with just my luck the list said I'd be sharing with the one and only Draco Malfoy.

I sat in the locked bathroom crying about the stupid little things in my life. I hate it, I hate everything! I just sat there crying until I heard a knock on the door,

"Harry.. Harry? You better not be doing anything in there! HARRY!" the voice started, "Harry please come out, I heard you crying and don't say you weren't" the voice belonging to Draco said.

"GO AWAY... Please" I whisper-yelled,

"Nope. Not until you open this door and tell me what's wrong!" Draco replied,

Why is this boy so stubborn?! I slowly opened the door holding back my tears but as soon as I saw draco the tears just started flowing down my cheeks and I couldn't control it.

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