If Kennedy Survived

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Chapter one. M

Michael stood outside, with tons of screaming people, waiting for the president. Next to him was writer, Cassie, also his friend. Like everyone else, they came to see President John F Kennedy. Michael's heartbeat raced.

"We are really here!" He exclaimed.

"This will make a great report for school!" Cassie smiled and readied her camera as the president rolled by with his wife, Jackie. Michael and Cassie cheered. Cassie snapped a photo as the president waved at the camera.

"I can't wait to see the photo!" Cassie exclaimed. "I got it at the right time!" Michael waved.

Everyone was excited until one shot rang out.

"What?" Cassie asked.

"Someone tried to kill him," Michael said, softly. "They missed."

"Good! Who'd kill the president?" Cassie asked.

Lee Harvey Oswald would. His gun missed and he stomped. He tried again and loaded his gun.


He missed.

Darn it! He thought. Work, gun, work! I have to kill Kennedy!!

Back down at the street, Jackie looked at her husband.

"Did you hear those shots?" She asked and tenderly placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. I don't know where they came from.." John replied.

"At least no one is hurt," Jackie smiled. The sun beat down on their faces and they rode throughout Dallas.


He missed.

Oswald then got a call.

"You idiot!" The voice said. "Now the secret service are after you! Why didn't you kill him?!"

"I tried," Oswald admitted. "I really did."

"Well you missed, THREE TIMES!" The phone hung up. Oswald dropped the gun and hurried down the stairs of the building.


This is a preview of a new book!

Please comment and or vote if I should continue it :)


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