5 || Gorgeous Blue Optics

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Y/N's car exited the downtown area of the city and weaved through traffic as it entered the freeway. The police car, known as 'Wanna kill', accelerates speed and skill before firing another small missile.

The yellow Camaro quickly lets out a blue ray of light and scans the entire body of a brand new 2011 Camaro Super Sport right next to it. Immediately,  Y/n could feel the seat's texture transform from worn-out fabric to smooth black leather. To add to the amazing and unbelievable change, there was an advanced radio, soft backseats, and plenty of space. She watched the hood smooth out to a bright yellow, glistening black stripes in the moonlight, then saw everything inside the car had changed. This had to be a dream.

"No way..." Y/n said in amazement, astonished at this car's transition from a 1977 to a beautiful 2011. But Y/n had forgotten about someone... She turned in her seat and saw the same police car chasing down the Super Sport. She exclaimed with fear. "Is he trying to kill us?!"

Horns from other cars blared, others fishtailed in the road, and a few lost control of their vehicles. Then, she noticed her car had lost the enemy black and white cruiser, confused about how it had disappeared. "Wait, where did it--" She swiveled her head to the driver's side window, witnessing no driver in the police cruiser's seat, racing beside the Camaro. The black and white car shoved the yellow's left side causing Y/n to panic.

Her hands slipped from sweaty hands on the seats and witnessed her car making itself bigger. She knows what this is. Y/N just didn't want to admit it or believe her e/c eyes. She'd heard of those things roaming the earth--the Transformers, but... why was she chosen?

Pieces of the Super Sport Camaro shifted left and right, back and forth, it whirred, and buzzed, and Y/N found herself flung from the car onto the side of the busy freeway. She rolled for a couple of seconds while earning a few scratches and bruises. "Ah..." She panted, gaining the courage to look up above her and see what she never thought she'd see. Her eyes are suddenly met with a pair of bright blue eyes, optics to be specific. Fearing for her life, Y/n gasped lightly, and backed away from the yellow robot. "You...You are one of them..."

An Autobot. One of the organisms that were seen to protect the people of Earth. Unfortunately, they are seen differently now. No matter how hard these guys try to make peace, the world will always be chasing them.

The black and yellow Transformer blinked once at Y/n and the police car who had also transformed into something a little bigger than the good bot. His eyes were bright red as hot coals and he intended to punish and kill.

In a hurry, Y/n jumped over the railing that prevented cars from going off the road. Her priority of safety is getting away from the two robots to find cover and maybe to avoid this forever from here on out. She looked back every few seconds and saw her car and the police car fight to the death as civilian cars zoomed by and broke the speed limit.

"Die like your leader!" The red-eyed robot screamed at the blue-eyed bot, throwing him to the ground. So many sparks flew by that it appeared like a fire could start from such a heated battle. Their bodies skid across the freeway, causing cars to go haywire and collide with each other.

Y/n temporarily called her car 'Yellow' for a name until she got its official identity... If it had one. She didn't dare stop running until she couldn't hear the battle anymore on the freeway. She was terrified of what happened in the past twenty minutes.

Breaking through bushes, twigs snapping under her feet, shortness of breath, and then a thunderous...


Y/n is pushed to the ground. She tumbled on pine needles, rocks, and dirt from the shock wave. Who won? Who died? Her eyes can see the lights flash, dim, and brighten all over again in a small cycle on the freeway.

It went dead silent for at least a minute. Y/n gets to her shaky feet and finally hears tall trees snap and crack by a massive weight pushing them away. A beating heart thumped a dozen miles an hour, and Y/N slapped a flat palm to the middle of her chest to stop the jackhammering heart.

Her fear forced her eyes to look at the metal shining in the moonlight. She got specs of black, silver, and an eyeful of yellow. It appeared to be a foot, and she forced her eyes to trail upward and find the owner of this limb, seeing those same blue optics in her view.

She heard very light electronic purrs and beeps come from this thing, her thoughts arguing back and forth about what Y/n should do.

Y/n's breathing shook and shuddered as she looked up at the alien robot. She's known about Transformers being on the earth, but never had the opportunity to meet one, or even own one! Just having its presence here in front of her after a fight made her feel confused but also thankful because he had just saved her life from one who wanted to take it. Swallowing her fear, Y/n got up from the ground, her heart slowing, and her courage growing.

"You saved me." She softly said to the metal face, scanning every detail on his large body. "Wh-Who are you? Do you have a name?"

The Transformer nodded and said his first word to Y/n. "Bumblebee." It sounded like he used the radio to communicate. 

"Bumblebee." She repeated with a small grin. "My name is Y/n."

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