Chapter 8

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Haneul's P.O.V

"Sorry imo. I can't go." - i said, while taking the stairs to the staffs room.

"But Haneul, didn't you have fun meeting your other cousins the other time?" - imo asked.

"Nope. None of the cousins talk to me. Only Siho and Hoonji talked to me. Where's the fun?" - i asked.

"Haneul, it's family time. Don't you wanna meet your other aunts and uncles?"

"I'd love to. But imo, I'm working right now. So please. You know I can't ditch anyway i like." - i said. She sighed.

"I know. I hope one day you can join us." - she said.

"I will. Have fun imo. I'll go now." - i said and ended the call. Well it was the event that Hoonji told me yesterday. I walk in the staffs room and greeted the other oppas.

"Urgh what's this smell?" - i exclaimed, frowning.

"Men smell." - Woojin oppa said.

"Urgh what the heck. And all of you are sweaty. The heck did you guys do?" - i asked, frowning, covering my nose.

"Gym, of course." - Junda oppa said.

"I go to gym to but not smell this bad! Ew!" - i exclaimed and run out of the room. They smell so bad and sweaty. Urgh. I hate those.

"Good Afternoon, Haneul." - someone greeted me.

"Oh. Good Afternoon, Namjoon." - i greeted him back with a smile. He smile, showing his dimples.

"Could you help me for awhile?" - he asked.

"Oh yeah. Sure." - i said. I went to him and he leaded me to his studio. We entered his studio and he told me to sit down. I did and he sits next to me. He grab an earphone, and hand it to me. But i was reacting slow, so he put it on for me.

And soon, i hear music playing. I just stayed quiet, and listen to the song. When it ended, i pull down the headphones, as it drops to my neck/shoulder. "How is it?" - he asked, smiling.

"It's good. But only you and Tae? What's it's called?" - i asked.

"Well it's for the 4th Anniversary. It's called '4 O'Clock'." - he explained with a smile.

"Ah~ well, it's nice. Like a calm song." - i said with a smile. He smiled.

"So this is the help you wanted?" - i asked. He giggled.

"Somewhat, yeah." - he said. I laughed.

"Haneul, since we don't really have anything to do, today, why not, you stay with me?" - he said.

"Stay with you? While you're busy with these?" - i asked. He nodded.

"Then I'll get bored." - i said.

"Maybe, you can help me first by massaging my back." - he said with a smile. I frowned.

"And that will only make me annoyed with you." - i said. He chuckled.

"I'm joking. Okay. I have some books here. And they're very interesting." - he said as he got up, walking to a small book shelf he have. He picked a couple of books and sit next to me again. I grab the books and look at the tittles.

"Hmm... maybe i can." - i said. He smile with a nod. I get comfortable on the chair, putting my legs on chair, knees touching my chest as i start reading.

Fast forward...

I'm still next to Namjoon. Reading the book he gave. While he continue with his music stuffs. I felt him holding my wrist. I look up and look in his eyes. "What?" - i asked.

"Do you want my jacket? You're using sleeveless and showing your belly." - he said. I look down, to my belly, seeing my small abs with my belly button, as i covered it with my arms. I felt my cheeks burning a little because he looked at my body.

"I'll take that as a yes." - he said with a smile. He got up, and went to a small closet he had. He grabbed a black hoodie. He sit next to me again with the hoodie.

"Sit up." - he said. And i did. Releasing my arms away from my belly. He stands up, putting the hoodie on for me. I put my hands in the sleeves. He pulled the hoodie, to my head.

"There you go." - he said with a smile.

"Thanks." - i said with a smile.

"And you know, i can use it by myself." - i said.

"I know." - he said and smile. With his hoodie, which is very big, it makes me looks small. Somewhat.

"You look cute in my hoodie." - he said, with a small giggle. I look down to myself and just smiled.

"Let's have dinner." - he said.

"But I'm not done with the book." - i said.

"Eat first then you can read the book." - he said. I give in. We walk out of the building and head to a restaurant. And it was the same restaurant i went yesterday. You know, this isn't work. I mean the whole day i was just reading books. I don't know why, but Sejin oppa be telling me to be in the building.

And we sit on the same seat, i sat yesterday. We ordered and Namjoon did the grilling of the meat. "Who did you eat with yesterday?" - Namjoon asked.

"My cousin." - i said.

"Oh." - he said and nod.

"Wait. How'd you know i was here?" - i asked, chewing on the meat.

"I was walking around here. And saw you here eating with a guy." - he said. I just nod.

"And he didn't send you home, didn't he?" - he asked. I look up.

"How'd you know?" - i asked.

"Well, i was loitering around here. So yeah." - he said.

"Oh. Yeah. He didn't send me home. I wasn't expecting him too. I can walk home myself." - i said. Namjoon just kept quiet. I just continued eating. And somewhat, i was dazed in my own world. I really find my life so boring. I don't do much. I go to work, then go home. If the boys have no schedules, then I'd stay at home and rot.

I don't really live a happy life. I mean i am happy with what I'm doing but you know, I'm such a loner. Don't have friends. My friends are the boys, and the staffs here. They're also my family. But pretty much, I'm a loner. Would i die alone? I'm worried at these stuffs at time.

Heyyo! This is the update for today! Omg Singapore have been raining for days! Non-stop! And it's getting so cold. I don't need to turn on the fan at all. Because it's just so cold. Even when bathing, the water is extra cold. Feels like ice. Heol

생일축하해요 경수 오빠! Happy Birthday to this little cutie, Dyo! Hope you had a great day! Be healthy, safe and happy! Lub yaaa! ❤️🎉😘💘🙈

Follow my BTS series! Make sure you're on the right track! The stories have links with each other!

BTS Series:
1st Book - Married A Gangster || JJK [COMPLETED]
2nd Book - Love Hate || MYG [COMPLETED]
3rd Book - Just One Day || PJM [COMPLETED]
4th Book - Makeup Artist || JHS [COMPLETED]
5th Book - Strength || KNJ -ONGOING-
6th Book - Capture || KSJ -soon-
7th Book - Just || KTH -soon-

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12/1/18, 12th January 2018, 도경수의 생일


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