Chapter 34- Epilogue One

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Chapter 34 - Epilogue one

It was a hot summers day, I stared at the ring on my finger, the ring that Aden had gotten me last year. Aden mentioned he got it from a trip to Ireland and that it was potentially an engagement ring. Him being him got it anyway as a sign that our friendship would last forever like a promise friendship ring. That's some really cheesy stuff... Both Devil and Goody hummed in the back of my mind.

It displayed a relationship status in a way that if the heart was facing away from me and the crown towards me then my heart was available for someone to take, which was currently how it sat. I laughed realising something and while sitting at the station I slipped the ring off my finger, facing it towards myself and the crown facing out. Aden would always be my best friend but now I was in love with Izayan and it felt fitting to wear it this way. He just didn't need to know yet.


"Okay so here are the rules, we blend in, we make no big announcements, get too drunk or aggressively make out" that last one he winked at while I rolled my eyes. "Last but not least remember you act like you were invited." That's right ladies and gentlemen we were at a wedding that we weren't technically invited to, it was a distant cousin of Izayan and his dad got invited- I cut myself off to make sure we remembered that crucial piece of information."You forgot, keep clear of your dad." 

Izayan looked at me and smirked, "That is going to be so much fun." Izayan looked so handsome in a blue three-piece suit with his hair styled messily and cheeky aura that it was originally so hard to pay attention what he was saying but I had gotten the hang of it.  

Izayan's dad didn't like me as much as I hoped he would by now but Rose and Ezra's opinion mattered more and they loved me.Toot toot I laughed Shut it, you guys!

His parents got invited but not any of the kids so Izayan thought it would be a fun date to gatecrash this wedding and obviously the idiot I am had no objections, you only live once, right?! Devil just laughed at me saying nothing. 

We had almost not made it to the wedding when Izayan fully saw me with my hair, makeup and sari done. I had to run from him to ensure he didn't destroy what took me so long to do with just the words 'I wish I never suggested this because all I can think about it is how beautiful you look and how much of a shame it will be when I undress you in the next few minutes.' It had become increasingly harder since the summer to not beg him to have his way with me because most days it was all that was on my mind. What you waiting for... Devil teased knowing full well what I was waiting for.  

"Can we go now?" Izayan laughed and pulled me into the venue, we quietly found seats at the back of the hall. 

The venue was amazing, it was big enough to fit 600 people. The seats were covered with white covers and had red bows on the back. The aisle was lined with beautiful roses of all different colours and at the end of the aisle was a mandap, a set of pillars that were also decorated beautifully with intricate patterns and designs. I was in awe of how beautiful the place looked, it radiated warmth even though it was winter outside. While everyone was taking their seats there was a DJ in the corner of the room playing Indian music softly to the awaiting crowd. 

Izayans cousin was marrying a Hindu girl so they were having a traditional Indian wedding which I thought was nice but it was a real experience finding out just how long these really were. The ceremony was an hour and a half, but one thing I had to say was that it was cute.

There was the bit where Romeo, Izayans cousin, comes in after the ceremony for his misses is done and they cover his view of her with a sheet so he can't see what she looks like before he sits down at the front. Romeo cried, they dropped the veil and he cried at how beautiful his now wife looked and I thought that was so beautiful.

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