First Meetings

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The first time the vampire saw him he knew he'd have to make him his in every possible way. He's never had so much hunger for anyone like he's got for him, for his blood. 

Tyrell can feel it at the distance, the strong sound of his heart, a sign of a man with a powerful will. Maybe because of this, he was surprised by his answer when they met -Just a tech- his words the exact opposite of his posture and glare. In moments like that he wishes he had the mind power.

The mind power. One of the many abilities that belonged to The oldest Vampires. But he's not one of them. He doesn't have that kind of ability, perceiving other people's emotions is all he's capable of. He's complained about this to Johanna, his Maker in blood, but she just smiled in a mysterious way. It took him a long time before she finally gave him a proper answer.

---Some vampires get special abilities the moment they're turned, some don't. There are also vampires who develop their abilities in time.---

He thought he was one of those vampires with no abilities at all, or maybe he just needed to wait a few centuries to develop it. And yet one day, for no apparent reason, she said:

--- It' began with a dull noise, some fuzzy scenes, after that my empathy became stronger.---

He immediately understood.

Elliot is the name of the human who has caught him, he is strange, it's almost he is out of his comprehension. He's always given him confusing signals. The second time that Tyrell saw him, the human did something that woke up his curiosity; there in the middle of the room full of both companies' highest executives, Elliot was changing documents that proved Terry Colby guilty of the latest cyber-attacks in ECorp. Thanks to that, he'd be able to take the position he's wished for the most part of the last decade.

Of course, the interim was the extra word, he was pretty sure with Elliot's help that won't exist. He'd use all his resources if he had to.

The best lawyers of the firm were called for an interview with him; he couldn't offer a high position at ECorp because of the proximity of both companies... unless Elliot made it himself.

--- Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world.---

This was his mojo, the phrase he'd repeat to help himself meet his goals. The vampire was in the middle of the Director Board, ordering, showing off his power with an elaborated speech redacted to impress. But the thing is that Elliot wasn't anyone, he'd proven that by refusing his proposal. 

Tyrell dismissed the lawyers and approached him to make clear that it wasn't only a job what he was offering him.

Tyrell wished he could turn this human by his side. Elliot standing as an equal into a vampire. That was the main offer. The American dream of anyone in the world to be fair since the Humanity knew for a fact that the Vampires weren't a myth because they were real but in a different way of what Hollywood had romanticized in Dracula and other's vampire's films. Vampires turning to dust by setting a foot inside a Church, monsters fearing Crucifixes or any other religious symbol. The only truth about them was that they feared sunlight and most importantly, they're eternal. They remain with the same appearance they had at the time of conversion with all their senses amplified.

Tyrell offered all to him without hesitation. A direct ticket to a destination beyond time and yet, again, the human declined, the vampire didn't know what to do. Wagner's music sounded in his head. Tragedy in his heart because he didn't think of... rejection as an answer.

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