Chapter 1 - It's Not Easy

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Okay just a quick note: This is my first story and it's about the somewhat known rapper G-Eazy, also known as Gerald Gillum. He's one of my favorite rappers, and I was kinda disappointed that there were no fanfics about him, so what better way to read one than to create your own? I hope you all enjoy this and I'll try and update every day or so. Thanks for reading (:

"Life is too short, trying to hold it all together. It's gone before you know it, but tonight could last forever."

Chapter 1 - It's Not Easy

There's only one question you ask yourself when something completely amzing or utterly terrible happens. Why? And I catch myself asking that every day. Why? Why me? Why him? Why not anybody else? Well, the answer isn't quite known yet, but I guess we can start from the beginning of the beginning.

My name is Ariana Bear Truelove. Daughter of Johnny Truelove. You may know him from his movie, Alpha Dog, except they left out some parts. For example, the fact that he had a daughter before he was sentenced to death row. Don't ask me why my middle name is Bear, but I'd prefer to be called that. I'm 23, turning 24 in the fall, about 5'3ish, 5'4ish with bright red hair. And this is my story of love and loss.

Gerald and I met at a party when we were 16. Well, he was 17. I was not one to believe in love at first sight, but man, he was smoking. No, I mean, he was LITERALLY smoking a joint with all of his friends. God, but he sure was incredibly handsome. All my friends thought he was ugly with his fake nerd glasses and his crazy hat, but something stood out about him to me. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but he was special. Special enough to make me stay away from him the first time I saw him. I was terrified of the outcome of our conversation... if we had one. I told myself that if I saw him again, I would talk to him.

For the next 2 weeks, I mentally prepared myself for a conversation with him. I thought that I had thought of every possible thing he could say to me when I next saw him. I was prepared for rejection or for acceptance. Which, ironically, I saw him that Friday at another party. He was alone this time, outside sitting by the fence, texting on his phone.

Okay, Bear, here we go. You can do this. What's the worst he could say?

"What are you doing out here alone? The party's inside, you know."

"I can't think with the loud music inside." That didn't go as bad as I planned

"Well, don't think too much. You're not supposed to think at a party."

"My girlfriend is pissed that I'm here. That's why I'm thinking" Shit, he has a girlfriend. Now what?

"I'm sorry. Do you want to talk or something?"

"No, I usually don't talk to strangers."

"Well, then let's not be strangers. I'm Ariana, but you can call me Bear."

"I'm Gerald, but you can call me Gerald." he laughed. Oh god, his laugh is so sexy.

"So what's going on with this girlfriend of yours, Gerald?"

"I think we should save that for the next conversation. My phone's ringing, so I have to go. It was nice meeting you, though."

..Damn. He has a girlfriend. I need a drink to get my mind off him. I hope I'll see him again soon. He's so beautiful and seemed so sweet, and I hope him and his girlfriend are happy. Wait, what the fuck am I saying? I want him so badly, but he didn't seem too unhappy with his girlfriend.. I don't know how I feel right now. I want him to be happy, but at the same time, I want him to myself. Ugh, I've had too much to drink. I need to go home.

On Monday, my best friend Annie ended up driving me to school.

"So who was that guy you were talking to at that party on Friday?" Oh shit. How did she find out?

"What guy?" I tried to play dumb.

"The one with the dorky glasses. I can already tell you like him, just give up his name."

"His name is Gerald, and I thought his glasses were cute!"

"Whatever. Did you get his number?"

"No, he already has a girlfriend."

"Wait, what did you say his name was? Gerald?"

"Yeah, Gillum. Why?"

"Oh no!! You need to stay away from him. He barely moved here last year, and he's already been with Katie Becks, Daphne Chambers, Claire Daniels, Sierra Moss, and even her sister, Erica!! And now that you mention, his girlfriend is LouAnne Bennet." Oh great. LouAnne was so pretty, there's no way I had a chance with him.

"Well, it was nothing. I had a small conversation with him, and that was it. Besides, if he doesn't go here what school does he go to?"

"He does go here. What are you talking about?" My cheeks turned so red I thought they were going to burn up and fall off. He was here. He was around the same halls as me. What am I going to do? He's used to seeing me in party clothes, and with makeup on. I'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts and flip flops with no make-up. I can't have him see me today.

"Well, I haven't seen him around. Thanks for the ride Ans." That was my nickname for her. I usually don't call her Annie unless I'm mad at her.

"No problem. Remember, stay away from him!!" Don't worry. I will... for today.

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