Toriel's Tubbification

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Toriel the goat-like creature icily glared ahead.

"Hmph. You are just like the others.There is only one solution to this,"she coldly whispered. Toriel raised her hands, conjured up large fireballs, and sent them a pie.The confection was instantly baked to a golden brown. Toriel smiled."That is much better."She put on oven mitts and carried the pie from the stove in her kitchen to the dining table in her living room. There were already five pies on the table."Six butterscotch-cinnamon pies,"Toriel declared as she set the latest one down on the table."One for each of the..."Her voice trailed off,and her eyes grew misty. She looked away from the table."This is silly,even for an old lady,"she mumbled to herself."Nothing will bring them back. Why am I doing this...?"Toriel's eyes came to rest on the easy chair beside the fireplace. Every single day, Toriel would sit in that chair and read a book aloud,pretending that one of the humans was listening beside her. That always made her feel a little less lonely, at least briefly. Toriel turned back to the six pie son the table."...Well,I suppose that this is not much different,"she smiled.She sat down in one of the dining chairs and began cutting out a slice of the nearest pie."Now,be sure to clean your plate,"she said,pretending that she was talking to one of the humans. She lifted the slice of pie to her mouth and took a big bite. "Mmm..." Her butterscotch-cinnamon pies were tastier than she had remembered.Not quite as tasty as her snail pies, but still. Toriel finished the slice in a few more bites.She then grabbed the knife, ready to cut out another slice...but she then realised that those young humans probably wouldn't have had such good table manners.So she lifted the entire pie to her face and started to snarf it down.

Toriel giggled as she felt butterscotch smearing over her face."Oh,you are making such a mess of yourself!"she smirked, still pretending that she was talking to a human. It was a large pie--big enough for its size to intimidate a human--but,within only a few minutes,the pie tin was licked clean...and Toriel's face was covered with butterscotch.She smiled as she slurped some of it off.

"You finished that right up!I suppose that you really liked it,young one?"she asked the empty room."...What was that?You want another?Well, I do not see why not.Who am I to deny food to a growing boy...or girl.It is so difficult to tell what gender humans are." And so, Toriel began eating a second large pie... then a third pie... then a fourth...

Toriel was having so much fun, giggling at the way butterscotch got all over her face,that she didn't notice that she was steadily growing fatter. Her broad torso developed a round pot belly,forming a noticeable lump underneath her blue dress. Her hips and buttocks grew wider, beginning to sag off of either side of the chair. Her chest also swelled, distorting the royal emblem on the upper part of her dress. Her arms thickened within her white sleeves. A double chin was starting to form.

By the time that Toriel finished the sixth pie, she was nearly unrecognisable. Her belly was a swollen mass pushing up against the table's edge, just barely big enough for her dress to cover it all.Her hippo hips and buttocks sagged off of the chair more than halfway down to the floor. Her chest was so large that it tugged her dress's neckline down, exposing a bit of her fluffy white cleavage.Her flabby arms fit snugly in her sleeves. Her face cheeks were chubby like a chipmunk's, and even her stubby horns and long floppy ears looked thicker than before.Her double chin was now down right prominent, and was accompanied by a thick neck roll behind her head.

Toriel contentedly sighed, leaning back in the chair, which loudly creaked...and then broke into splinters underneath the heavy load that was Toriel. Her broad rump crashed to the floor with a loud 'BLORP', and her entire flabby body jiggled like gelatin. Toriel deeply blushed. She had been enjoying the eating so much that she did not notice her own growth. She bashfully rubbed over her broad belly. Toriel felt so embarrassed by the way she had let herself go...

...then she looked around the empty room,and realised that there was no one there to see her like this.

Toriel gave a depressed sigh. Pretending that she had company again was nice while it lasted, but it never lasted long.

... Or could it?

Toriel looked at the six empty pie tins on the table. Her eyes lit up."How could I forget?I did not make anything for my first two children!"

Slowly but steadily, the big gal got up on to her feet, her big body wobbling all the while. Her broad hips shimmied a few inches to the left and right as she waddled towards the kitchen.She needed to turn sideways to get through the doorway. She lumbered up to the fridge and opened the door.

"Chara, you always enjoyed snacking right out of the fridge, no matter how many times I told you not to...And Asriel, snails were always your favorite snack."She reached into the fridge and pulled out a huge bucket full of snails."...Just like your mother."She grabbed a pawful of snails and stuffed them into her maw. Then another. Then another.

As the bucket emptied,Toriel expanded.Her behind bloated until a good part of the back of her dress bunched up in the fold between her back flab and the top of her tush. This caused her dress to ride more than halfway up her rear, exposing most of those huge white cheeks and thunder thighs. Similarly, much of the front of her dress disappeared into the fold between her burgeoning breasts and bloating belly, leaving most of that white, fuzzy, globular gut exposed as it dangled a bit below her knees. Her swelling chest tugged the top of her dress more and more, leaving a promiscuous amount of her bigger-than-ever cleavage in view. She developed a triple chin, and two thick neck rolls bunched up against the back of her head. Her face cheeks,horns,and ears swelled to a downright comical size.

Eventually, Toriel grabbed the last pawful of snails in the bucket and shoved them into her mouth. That was the straw that broke the camel's back; she finally bloated enough to rip her dress to shreds. Her arm fat tore through her sleeves. Her back flab and wider-than-ever hips shredded the back of her dress, leaving her wrecking-ball-sized buttocks on full display. Her chest made short work of the front of her dress, her huge breasts (each bigger than her head) finally fully exposed and sagging atop her grand gut, which sagged a few inches above the floor and bloated enough to get wedged in the fridge. Toriel deeply blushed, held onto the freezer for leverage, and popped her belly out of the fridge. She was not used to her new weight, and the sudden movement sent her staggering a few steps backward. Each step shook the walls and made some pebbles fall from the cavern's ceiling right outside her home.

Her face cheeks still a bright crimson, the naked Toriel started awkwardly waddling out of the kitchen. She turned sideways,but her belly and behind still got caught in the doorway, her flab bulging out into both the kitchen and the living room. It took a few minutes to squeeeeeze herself out. She then lumbered toward her bedroom. Luckily, the doorways on either end of her foyer were much wider than the one between her kitchen and living room...but Toriel was so wide that her hips just barely cleared the foyer's doorways.

Toriel lumbered along, feeling sluggish. She was so obese that each of her butt cheeks jiggled separately with each ponderous step of her thick thighs. Her hips shimmied at least half a foot to the left and right as she moved along. Her belly occasionally bounced low enough to slap the floor, making her chest moosh up into her chins.

Toriel was so heavy that she was winded by simply moving from the kitchen to her bedroom door. She opened the door, turned sideways, started lumbering inside, and promptly got stuck in the door frame. A few minutes of squeeeeezing later, she was in her bedroom, and ready for some well-deserved rest

She waddled to her bed and sat down on it, making the bed frame loudly creak. She then layed on her back. Even though her bed was large-- definitely bigger than a twin--the right side of her gut and butt bunching up against the wall while the left side sagged off the mattress and onto the floor. The bed frame survived the immense weight for a few seconds, then was smashed to pieces, leaving Toriel lying on a flattened mattress atop a pile of wooden debris.

Toriel sighed. Her loneliness was getting out of hand.

One thing was for sure...the next time that a human fell into the Ruins, Toriel would not let them leave.

If she had to, she would sit on them.

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