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AN: Hola dearies! I'm back with another OS after watching the latest eppy of YKS especially its powerful precap! Like always hope u enjoy reading this and have great time!

BTW  if  u guys dunno what is YKS, then it is short form of Yakeen Ka Safar, a Pak drama. I watched it on youtube and totally loved the lead couple! So from then have started writing about them. :)

Not proof read. Kindly excuse the errors.

Dialogues are in Hinglish, please read accordingly. :)


Dr.Asfandyar had a tough night coming to terms with the truth. He finally understood why his beloved Dr.Zubia didn't agree to marry him despite him being sure that she loved him as much as he did her. But in the morning after that tumultuous night, it felt as if the sun shined especially for him. He had made a decision and was determined to stick through it no matter what and the first step to that was postponing the marriage indefinitely or in other terms cancel' it. He didn't want his family members hanging on false hopes of seeing a marriage this soon in their family...

Next thing he wanted to do was confront Dr Zubia regarding the ID card, after all it was hers and he had to return it one day or the other, right? So well determined today was the day finally he took it along with him to the hospital. After getting himself composed to face one of the toughest conversations in his life, he carefully placed the id card on his table so that as soon as she enters she could see that and understand what the conversation was going to be about... And then he called her on the phone and asked her to come to his room but was informed that she was busy in Emergency ward. So he thought he too will go in and check what was happening there.

In the emergency there was a case of a little boy, just 5 or 6 yrs old who had slipped from a bridge while playing and fallen into the ice cold water and had almost drowned but was thankfully saved by the onlookers and brought to the hospital on time. All the staff including Dr. Zubia were busy in that case and then when Dr.Asfi reached the ward he took charge of the case. Later Asfi asked her to come to his room but on his way to his room, he got a call and he instead of going to his room, he just took a stroll outside to clear his head of the tension of the impending conversation with her. But just as he was going back inside somebody dashed him in a mad run... he when he looked back who it was he found that it was Dr.Zubia! For a moment he couldn't comprehend anything that was happening, he just stood there thinking what was happening. But the moment he took a step towards his room to check if someone or something had happened there, he felt something cracking under his feet and saw that it was her old id card! Just then he understood his folly! She must have gone to his room to meet him and must have seen the ID card on the table! Oh God!

He then ran outside towards her but saw that she was nowhere to be seen. He then asked the security guard about the direction she went and decided to take his car and follow her. The way she had ran past him, it didn't give him good feelings...something seemed bad...ominous...He drove madly looking for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen... But then something bad came to his mind, the little boy, the bridge, the drowning! He turned his car swiftly towards the bridge hoping against hope that she would be sensible enough to not attempt such stupidity... He prayed to God like he had never prayed before...

He then stopped his car and got down to see whether she was anywhere nearby and to his horror his worst nightmare was happening right before his eyes! There she was getting ready to jump into those icy cold waters! He yelled a blood curdling yell! He yelled with all the hope he had but nothing seemed to fall on her ears and he her jumping to her icy death right before his wretched eyes!

Pyar - Ek Yakeen Ka Safar - ASFI/ZUBIYA OSWhere stories live. Discover now