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Alright. That's it I have had enough. Everyday since the beginning of the summer my dad has shooed us outside. It's September now. As I sigh.
"Sally!" Someone called from behind me.
"Yes?" I say as I crank my head towards the sound.
"There's new neighbors!" My younger sister stated a little too enthusiastically.
"Oh." My sister is only 3 years younger than me, but it feels like we were born 12 years apart.
"I heard they will be coming over later." She says as she looks over to the new neighbors house.
"Now where did you hear this Lisa?" I ask raising my eyebrows.
"Dad said the kids would come and play outside with us." Lisa looks down at her pale pallid hands then looks up at me.
I nod.
I step down off the unpainted wood porch onto the dirt. Why am I not wearing shoes I ask myself? Because I am a child. For the time being I'm allowed because I'm foolish and don't understand anything. Well that's what most adults think of a 9 year old female child. But I'm not like most children. But I'd rather act like the stereotypical child because it's easier.
Not shortly after Lisa follows me into the disarrayed backyard.
I walk down the small dirt path that leads to a glass table with some unmatched chairs along with it.
I sit in the chair with the wheels under it because everyone seems to want it and i like the idea of me having it.
I sigh audibly and turn my attention towards the stained-with-mud-table and I find disturbingly accurate human faces. But they look horrified. Almost like they have seen the devil himself. Hm lucky.
So instead of looking at the faces I pick up a disheveled rock and hold it in my palm to feel the coolness of the rock.
I frown at the rock.
I just want to stay inside and watch tv under the soft pleasant blanket on the serene couch. But of course not I'm outside on a uncomfortable-
I hear the gate open on the side of my house. I perk up.                                                                    
I hear my father.
"I swear you will love the girls. They are around your age." He says.
"Oh how old are they." I hear a unrecognizable deep female voice ask.
"Well we have a nine year old and six year old." My father says casually.
"Wow! I'm eight so one of them is only one year older than me!" I hear a falsetto voice state.
As they turn the corner I can finally see the new people.
I will start with the older one. She has straight jet black hair and has freckles that run across her high cheekbones. Her eyes are small it looks almost uneven with the rest of her face. From her sense of fashion she's more of a tomboy. Her smile is wide and her teeth are big for her mouth.
The younger one, has erratic red hair that is up in a loose ponytail. She has a some freckles across the bridge of her nose. When she smiles she shows more gum than teeth but it looks right for someone who looks like her. She has perfect olive skin. Unlike her older sister who has fair skin. Well I'm assuming sister.
My brother walks out of the back door at the news of the new neighbors coming over. Also assuming there our new neighbors not much kids come around that we don't know of.
"Hi. I'm Jason." My brother says almost endlessly.
"Hi." The older one says.
The younger one just made a grunt noise and strides over by me.
"Hello." The younger one said to me. "I'm Catherine." She waves at me.
"I'm Sally." I say blankly.
"I guess you're the nine year old?" She asks.
"We'll I'm eight and that's really close too nine." She states confidently whilst putting her fingers up to a nine.
"So what are you trying to say?" I ask entertained.
"That we should be friends."
But before I could say anything I was interrupted.
"We should all play a game together." Catherine's sister says.
Catherine and I both turn our heads to her.
"What do you suggest?" I ask.
"Like, mother may I or red light green light." Catherine adds.
We all nod our heads in sync.
"Which first?" Jason asks
"Mother may I!" Catherine shouts.
"Alright then it's settled." The older one says.
I never asked what her name was.
"Um, excuse me." I tap the older ones shoulder. "What's your name? We never properly introduced ourselves."
"Oh my name is Emily." She pauses for a minute. "Whats yours."
"Sally. My name is Sally." I nod my head and smile trying to be as polite as I can.
"Nice to meet chu." Emily says with a dopey grin.
As I'm turning to leave I catch Catherine and Lisa rushing to become the mother in the game.
Lisa got to the top of the hill. So I guess that means she's the mother. So whilst she was celebrating we all stroll down to the end of the hill to the "starting line". Quote unquote.
As we all reach to the end of the rugged hill, Lisa can't help but explode with excitement by already bossing Jason around about what steps he can do.
"No Lisa I'm supposed to ask which step I can take and you can say if I am allowed." Jason explains for the second time.
Eventually she gets it and he takes a full father step.
Next is Emily's turn and she takes a baby step.
Then mine. I take a frog leap. Which was a little hard because I was going uphill.
Then Catherine went and took a mother step.
Then there was some big steps small steps and even some backwards steps which I did not even know were in the game. But Catherine ended up winning.
We all sloppily go back down the hill and restart this boring idiotic game.
But this time it was different. Catherine let me win. On purpose! So the next round we both played as the mother.
It was kind of fun. Almost. But the sun was going down so it was time to go inside.
"Bye Catherine" I say as I wave.
"Bye Sally." She replies.
Out of nowhere she runs up and squeezes my body awkwardly and I pat her back to not seem rude.
"I feel like we're gonna be good friends." She whispers to me.
I nod.

Little did I know that she was completely right.

Alright I hope you guys liked it I kind of stopped trying toward the end but whatever.

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