Twenty-four hour challenge

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I was out, hanging with my friends, when my little sister, Quinn, decided to join me. "Quinn just remember that once you join us, you can't go back," I told her. Quinn giggled, I smiled. "Jackson! I know. Besides, my big brother, Jack-Jack will protect me!"

I grumbled, frowning now, Quinn knew I HATED that nick name. I grabbed another bag, filling it with some food and drinks. Today was Monday, and Lyra, one of my good best friends, decided that we should do the Twenty-four-hour challenge. On Halloween, of course. I can't believe I actually agreed to something like this. Plus, I'm now bringing my little sister.

Quinn giggled quietly, following me as we walked back to the wretched, old building. There, Nile and Mary were waiting, probably while Lyra and Mark looked for a way in. Nile looked up from his phone and came barreling towards us. I gave him a weird look as he squished Quinn's cheeks. Nile looked up at me, then back at Quinn "You are soooooo CUTE! We're going to do all kinds of fun stuff! I can braid your hair and we can be princesses!"

I saw the twinkle in Quinn's eyes at Nile's words. She loved being a princess, her father called her that up until the day he died, since that day, her nickname was princess. She wasn't in high school with me yet, so she didn't know any of my friends, but she knew Lyra from the time she had to come over for a project and her computer broke. Nile was a Senior, a year above me, but so was Lyra, so it just worked out I guess. Lyra and Nile dated before he figured out he liked boys, and they just stayed friends after it. And Nile was very, extremely girly, but not in a bad way. I could tell that he and Quinn would get along quite nicely. I turned away from Nile and Quinn as they started talking about like make up and girl stuff? "Marry! How's it going? You missed today's classes, something happen?"

Marry glanced up at me from her phone and scuffed. Alrighty then I thought ot myself, Lyra appeared from the side of the destroyed building. "I found a way in! Come on everyone!" I nodded towards Lyra and I grabbed Quinn's hand, leading her into the building.

It was about eight thirty, according to the clocks that hung above a door. We've been here for two hours already and Quinn was getting crabby. Nile somehow calmed her down, so they were now sitting on the floor, Quinn in Nile's lap as he braided her hair, I glanced around. Lyra has been gone for a good twenty minutes. "Anyone know where Lyra went?" I heard grumbles and mutters of "No" from the crowd of pupils. I got up and I offered Quinn my hand "Let's go look for Lyra," "Okay," she muttered, taking my hand as we walked away.

"Do you think she's in the bathroom?" "You could go check, Quinn." I told her, I watched Quinn as she hesitantly walked into the bathroom. "Mary? Jackson have you seen Mary? I can't seem to—" Mark was cut off as a scream rang out from the bathroom.

I raced in, running over to Quinn, I pulled her away from the stall quickly, I covered her eyes, seeing Mary hanging from one of the light fixtures on the ceiling. "Hey Mark... She's in here."

We were back in the classroom, sitting on the floor in a circle, Nile was sitting close to Quinn, making sure she was okay. I was still holding her hand, she looked up at me. I glanced over at Mark, he looked down, avoiding eye contact. "Where's Lyra?" he muttered "Don't know." I answered.

"Jack-Jack, I have to pee." Quinn muttered "Hold it." I responded, not looking up from my phone still no service? I thought silently. Quinn whined "But I really have to go!"

Nile stood up, making eye contact with me, he nodded, and took Quinn's hand, and they walked out. Mark got up, he huffed, walking away, the only sound that filled the hall and classroom was the clicking of his shoes. I lied back on my bag as I shut my eyes, deciding sleep would help.

I awoke to the sound of Quinn crying. I opened my eyes, sitting up. "Quinn? What's wrong? Why are you crying, Princess?" She hugged my torso tightly as she muttered "Mark's gone Jackson! Someone's killing all of us! I-I don't wanna die!"

"Princess, look at me. I will die before I let anyone hurt you. I will die if it means you're safe. I swear." Quinn sniffled, hugging me tighter. I rubbed her back gently. I looked up at Nile, he was curled up asleep, inside a sleeping bag. I roughly kicked his butt, trying to wake him, but apparently, Nile is stubborn. I kick him repeatedly, I felt Quinn shift, she reached out and pulled his hair. Nile sprang up, glaring daggers until he realized it was Quinn. "She did it."

Quinn was now asleep, while Nile and I took watch. Well, we weren't really watching. We were more or less stuffing our faces. "Hey Nile, cover for me. I'm going to go use the bathroom."

I got up after Nile nodded, I didn't actually have to use the bathroom. I was going to look for Mark. I pulled open a door, looking inside. Blood. It was all over the janitor's closet. I gasped quietly. It's not the blood that I feared. It was the head in a bucket.

Apparently, Nile heard my hurling and came running with Quinn. I saw Nile peek into the closet. "Th-that's Mark's head..." I nodded at his comment.

That was at maybe four a.m., we were sitting together, my back pressed against Nile's as we watched all the entrances to the kitchen, "why would a school turn off its internet at night?" "so, kids don't use it without permission." Nile answered, I sighed "two more hours until we can call the police. "The killer—""-Lyra-""—Lyra, probably sealed off the window we broke through." Nile nodded. We didn't speak until I had remembered that I forgot Quinn's bag back in the classroom. I got up, seeing Nile hold Quinn close to his chest. I was about to open the classroom door slammed open. It collided with me and I hit the wall. Lyra waltzed out. "Hi Jack-Jack~!" she giggled. She drew back her fist, punching me in the ribs, right where the door handle had hit. I gasped softly "Where are they Jackson? I'll spare you in return... Maybe." "Go to Hell Lyra," I growled. "Fine, I'll go find them myself." She stormed off.

I crumbled to the ground. I felt like I was choking for air. I heard foot falls coming closer Lyra came back to finish me I sighed, accepting the fact I was about to die, until I saw Quinn and Nile. Quinn slide on the floor, right next to me. Nile kneeled down, Quinn hugged me tightly, I groaned "I love you Quinn, but please No hugs..." She nodded "Are you okay? Do you think you can make it like another hour?" I shook my head "I feel like I'm drowning," I muttered. I was becoming lightheaded, I grabbed Quinn's hand "Stay safe, Princess, Nile... take care of my little sister for me..." He nodded, I saw Quinn's eyes tear.

"Don't leave me big brother!" I smiled and kissed her head. "Take your time... Mom, Tony and I will be waiting for you. Nile will be your big brother now okay?" I gently pet her head. Quinn's face was the last thing in the world, that I ever saw.


My name is Quinn Green, people now know me as Quinton Green instead. I am a senior in high school, and I refused to return to the high school in which three students, Mark Hansen, Mary McNamara, and Jackson Green, were murdered. Their killer, was also a student, who had accidentally killed herself, trying to kill me, and Nile Waters. I never met my mother, my father had died two years before I went to high school, and my brother died on Halloween, three years ago today. I decided from that day that I would let my brother live on through me. I had changed myself to match him, it made me happy, I could still call myself a princess. I still do. Every year on Halloween I'll sit on Nile's porch and give out candy. Nile says that I should forget that night, but I won't.

After Jackson's death, I refused to move anywhere until the school opened. I was curled up against my big brother the whole time, once it was six a.m. the doors unlocked and the internet turned on. Nile called the police and as he was on the phone with the station, the room began to fog up. We fled, and when the police came, they searched the building, they found Mark, Mary, Lyra and Jackson, and they took us in for questioning. Ever since that night I've lived for Jackson, they transferred our schools and John Hamilton High School was shut down. I still go there on Jackson's birthday to remember him. I live in his honor. 

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