The Sun

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She's dangerous, in a beautiful way. She's like the sun, stare at her for her beauty and she can blind you with light. But that's what makes her so fascinating and fantastical. It's the fact that she can enchant you with her presence or charm you with her smile that you realize just how dangerous she can be. You'll come to realize that you crave the time you spend together, or you'll lose yourself without it. So I decide to make my memories with her count. Yes it'll be devastating when she goes, but she'll be back, whether it's because of an event, or we catch up with each other or some friends. I don't think I should be afraid, but I am. And I can accept it, I'll turn it into desire. The desire to be better than I am now, which will be hard to do, she's helped me come this far already. But I can do it. I've learned many things from this journey that we've had, the journey of love, it's like walking up the stairway to heaven. On this journey I've learned what it's like to feel happy, to subtract the negative from your life, to add the positive to your life, to make new friends, to form strong bonds, and most of love. Overall you've taught me how to be a better person, and I'd like to thank you for that, for letting me be a part of your life and teaching me all these things, for being my mentor. If it weren't for you I don't know what I'd be doing. In the past my plans for the future were nothing, I thought I'd be six feet under by this point in time, but being with you made me come to the realization of how much worth our lives have, especially when you've got someone to live for. It gives you meaning and something to pursue, even if the goal may be unreachable, you can try, and that's what matters to me. You're my goal, and at some point maybe I'll stop playing and take a break, but I won't throw in the towel any time soon. You're everything that I live for, I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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