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  “Zoey,” the mage called back into the base as he stood feet away from it. “Take shelter, there’s a huge storm on the horizon.” As Rythian concluded his order, he peered back to the brewing storm behind him. Little did he know, the brunette had underestimated the storm by a long haul. Truthfully, the storm was about to turn the tables on his entire life.

  As he ran out to find his dinosaur companion, Teep, the storm screamed through the land in the form of thunder. Rythian only looked up for a second to see the flash of lightning, followed by another booming. “Teep, where are you?”

  The second he spoke, rain started spearing his face. It wasn’t as young of a storm as the mage had estimated, and concluded to turn back and trust that the team’s friend would wander home on his own. After all, Teep was the most intelligent companion Rythian had ever happened upon. The mage shook his head before turning back to Cabertown, looking to be three hundred feet from him.

  Where could he have gone? The man thought just before he made it back into the base. You have to find him. He sighed, then turned back at the storm. Rythian’s violet eyes widened before he walked towards the black clouds to find his friend. It was certainly worth it to him to find his scaly comrade, for he walked straight into the wrath of the super-storm: booming with strangely colored lightning. The mage may have questioned the difference, but immediately disregarded it.

  About two minutes later, the purple-eyed man noticed a large disturbance in the clouds above him. He was now soaked from head to toe and still hadn’t found his friend. What on earth? The mage thought, the clouds above him seeming to be reaching down towards him. What he didn’t realize was that it was raining in the desert for the first time in thousands of years, which he happened to notice in that second.

  The phenomenon wasn’t just Mother Nature: it was meant for something. He didn’t have another second to think before the clouds turned jet black and a streak of violet light came plummeting from the sky and to the ground, creating a circle of orange flames, which quickly turned to the violet of the man’s own eyes.

  “No way,” he said aloud, realizing what was happening. The sounds of an angered Enderman screeched from all around him, making him feel almost at ease: until he remembered where he was. Rythian was still on earth, the worst place for an Enderman to be. Heat engulfed the brunette, the amethyst blaze leaning into him, burning his skin all over. This wasn’t the way he wanted to die: burning.

  Before he could show any sort of emotion, another bolt of oddly colored lightning lit the night-like sky, hitting the man right in the center of his chest. His scream couldn’t be heard over the unbelievably loud thunder that followed the strike. Upon the accident, Rythian immediately went out cold, and he wouldn’t remember any of what happened in the circle of fire.


  “Rythian,” Zoey said, shaking her master awake. He didn’t wake up abruptly, but could feel her hand on his shoulder. As his eyes slowly opened, the apprentice spoke again. “Are you alright, what happened?”

  The mage’s vision was blurred, causing him to blink several times before he could make out Zoey’s figure. “W-what are you talking about?” he asked, the tone of his voice as if he had been asleep for months.

  “You were passed out in the middle of the desert. Is everything alright?” Zoey explained, following it with another question.

  Rythian’s head throbbed, and he felt like he had been shot in the chest by a laser beam. “What are you talking about?” His mind was all a blur of what happened, the only thing the mage could recall was talking to Ravs earlier in the week.

  “Teep, go get Nick. This could take a while.”

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