Goodbye, Bal! [ Gao ]

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Gao: Bal...? Where are you going?
Bal: G-Gao! I was just going to get s-some fresh air, bal!
Gao: Bal, we're buddies, you can tell me anything.
Bal: ..... Gao..... Bal needs to...
Gao: Bal...
Bal: I'll always remember you, Gao, bal.
Gao: Bal, why?....
Bal: Azi Dahaka has fallen asleep. When he is in that state, bal, Bal also has to go to sleep and we will awaken and battle again millions of years later, bal.
Gao: Bal... Bal! *hugs Bal* I will always, always remember you.
Bal: Goodbye, Gao.
Gao: Bal!!!

A few days later...

Noboru: Hahaha! The 'Mighty Sun Fighter' is not strong without his buddy and I'll prove myself right!
Gao: Fight me if you dare!!


Paruko: Winner, Noboru Kodo!!
Gao: I... Lost..?

Noboru: Heh. See what I mean? I beat you in a few swift moves.
Gao: Yeah...
Baku: Gao?
Gao: Y-yeah..?
???: Gao?
Gao: Gaito!
Gaito/???: Have you gotten weaker since Bal left?
Gao: .....
???: Gao!!!
Gao: Tasuku-senpai! Hoshi-senpai! Mutsuki-senpai!
Tasuku/???: I saw your match with Noboru.
Gao: I had hoped you didn't.
Tasuku: But... Is it true? Has Bal really left?
Mutsuki: Bal or Balle?
Hoshi: They are the same pronounciation!
Mutsuki: Oops.
Tasuku: Guys, shush.
Hoshi & Mutsuki: 'kay.
Hoshi: Drum, then Bal and now... Who will be the next lucky dragon? *mutters to self*
Tasuku: ???
Mutsuki: How would you know that the next one would be a dragon?
Hoshi: ... It was a thought...
Tasuku: Of course, none of us will know for sure.
Gao: *nods* Well, I can't wait to get my new buddy! He must be strong and powerful!
Kuguru: In the end, whoever who becomes buddies with you is surely lucky.
Noboru: Y-yeah! Don't let your hopes fall!
Gao: Thanks, Noboru.
Noboru: E-eh?!? I didn't mean anything like that! I meant- (Author-chan faints at how much Noboru x Gao that was)
El Quixote: Now, now, Tiger Boy, of course Gao needs a good buddy but of course, nothing will be stronger buddy than me!
Noboru: Yes, of course, that was what I meant!
Hoshi: *sighs* Noboru...
Gao: Woah, thanks Noboru!
Noboru: *blushes and scratches head* No prob... (Author-chan faints again)
Hoshi: Great! *claps her hands* Now you need to mind your own buisness, Noboru! *pulls his ear and drags him away from Gao*
Noboru: O-ouch!
Hoshi: *sticks out tongue*
Noboru: *also sticks out tongue*
Mutsuki: *laughs*
Gaito: You guys should stop doing this...
Tasuku: Okay, stop, listen to Gaito...
Hoshi: *sighs* 'Kay...

Few MONTHS later...

Gao found a new buddy, Batzz through searching for a buddy in Dragon World with Chibi Panda or Saint Holy Sword Dragon, for the World Buddy Masters. In place for Tasuku who did not participate, he found a replacement, Kanata Ozora with his buddy, Athora. Kanata is known as the No-Damage-Fighter, meaning he does not take damage in buddyfights.

In the World Buddy Masters, Kanata and Gao got into the finals and Gao won. Gaito and Kanata fought during the semifinals. Gao won the Mirage card and it was stolen from Wisdom. And I do not need to say anymore because you should watch Buddyfight X.

Gao's new flag is Thunder Empire's Fangs.


I needed to move on from triple D so here we are.
Kazane, Blade, Rouga, Ceberus and any others not in this season would be removed from this book from now on unless they are added in again.

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