Dark Companion

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I left thinking life would easier . The big city is where I should be but now I don't know. I have been here three days and I have a little money left only about ten dollars. I didn't realize how expensive things would be here. Another lesson learned. I have no more money for a room and I think I will be spending another night on the streets. I scared and don't know how will get through this.

The morning seems like it's been a whole day but it's only 10:30.  I been walking all night.  I am tired and cold.  The air is piercing  on my skin. The noise of street invades my ears and I  can block the sirens, cars and the hustle of people out. 

I want to find a warm and safe place.  I only wish for a moment of comfort.  I bring my hands up to my ears trying to find this place if only for second. I shut my eyes tight. Then it happens. I remember .

The heat of the wood stove is soothing. The air is filled with smells of wood and chocolate chip cookies . I feel safe. I open my open my eyes to see my grandmother mixing a bowl of dough. She smiles warmly at me.
" Can I have a taste." I asked.
"Not yet" she replies.
I get up from the table and walk around the small house. My fingers dance around the frames of long dead relatives.  My grandmother has many pictures of grandparents, aunts , uncles, bothers and sisters. All gone now. Their faces always fascinate me. My grandmother told stories about them all. Stories about when they were alive and some when they were dead. I used to laugh at these stories. My grandmother would give me a disapproving look.
"Never forget the dead because they will not forget us." She would she. "Pray for them." "They need our help to make it to the final stage."

She would always pay for masses to be said for them. I thought it was a useless but harmless tradition.
"Cookies ready."

I rushed away from the stern faces and returned to the warm of the kitchen.  Again I sat at the table and reached for  a cookie.

My breath grew heavy  as I tried to stay in that memory but I knew I could not shut out reality for to long. I didn't want to open my eyes or uncover my ears because I knew I would back on the cold street. My hands fall to my side and  my eyes open. There waiting for me was large gothic church.  I smiled a little. I could stop walking for a while and rest. I walked up the steps and pull opened the door. Warm air hit my face. The smell of incense filled my  nostrils. The large church was mostly empty and I grateful. I took a seat near the back. The candle light was, soothing to my eyes. My smile grew and seemed like the hours flew by.  I knew it could not last forever and I would have to return to the harshness of  the outside.  A Priest was walking up the center isle. I was so grateful for the long rest that I did something very foolish. I stopped him.
"Father, please will you say a mass for the soul in purgatory nearest to the gate of heaven." I pleaded. "Here is my donation"

I reached into my bag and bought out my last ten dollar bill. I handed it to the priest. He looked at me and nodded yes and was soon on his way.

I made my way to the door and again walked into the cool air. I walked away at a brisk pace. Soon was in the middle of  a small park near the church. Many homeless would stay here during the day.  A bench caught my eye and I made my way to it. As I walked towards it, thoughts rushed my mind. How could I be so stupid my last ten dollars. Now I will have no food today.  I felt hopeless and foolish. Just when I reached the bench a girl sat down. I sat next to her. She turned to me and nodded at me. She looked different then other street kids.  She had an air of nobility. She was dark complected and her dark eyes were engulfed in sadness.  She appeared to be the same age as me and I glad to have a companion even for a short time.
"Have you been in the city long." She asked.

"Not long." I answered.

" You look lost"

"I feel lost."

"I know what it feels like to be lost. Why did you come here?"

" I hardly know now but originally, I came because I thought I would have a better chance finding a job here. It has not been the the case."

" No friends or family here?"
" I don't know a soul."
"Now you know me. My name is Anne."

She offered her hand and I took it willingly. Her hand was delicate and cool.  More ladylike then mine.
" I am Kate."
"Why don't you go home Kate."
" I have no home anymore. All my family is gone now. My grandmother died last spring. She was all I had."
" Did she leave you anything?"
" She nothing to leave except for some old pictures and a good chocolate chip cookie recipe."
Anne laughed.
"Do you have the pictures?"
" I took what could carry."
I hurried to take out the few frames that bought with me. I don't know why but I wanted her to see them. She took the pictures willingly and her delicate fingers, danced around the frames  just as mine own fingers had done.
"They are your family. They never leave us." She reassured.
She handed them back to me.
" I know the sadness of  being alone  and abandoned. I thought I would be alone forever but you found me. I am grateful." She stated.
"I don't know if I'll make good company."
" Just having some one to talk too, is nice. Thank you for sharing your family with and now we are family too."

She took my hand hand again squeezed it with all her might. She lacked-strength. I could barely feel it.
"Kate, I must go now but I want to give you something because I am so grateful for your kindness."
She handed a paper with an address on it.
"Go to this address they are looking for a housekeeper. It's a good job."
"I don't  know much about housekeeping." I said.

"Not much to know. You clean can't you?"
"Then go there. It's a very good opportunity and the employer, will be good to you."
Anne got up quickly from the bench and politely waved goodbye. Soon she gone.

I got up from the bench and quickly made my way to the address. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know, why was going. I felt that I must take a chance. I had nothing left to lose.  Soon, I  was in front of a beautiful home. I almost turned back but I gained courage and made my way to the front door. I rang the door bell. An older woman came to the door. You looked strangely familiar to me. I couldn't place her where I had seen her before.

"Can I help you." She asked.

" I was told that you we're looking for a housekeeper. I would like to apply for the position." I answered.

"Yes, I am. Come in"

I walked into the house and Sense of home came over me. The home was elegantly  decorated. It had many framed  pictures along  the mantle of a large fireplace.

"May I ask how you knew that I was looking for someone? I have not  placed an ad anywhere yet."

" I was told me that you were looking for someone."

"Who told you?" She asked.

A flush of embarrassment washed over my face and I felt a little panicky. I didn't want to tell her where I had heard about the job.  Then picture on the mantle caught my eye. I felt relief at the sight of that face again.
" A girl I met in park today told me. Anne, was her name. There is her picture  on your mantle."

I begin to tell the woman about how I had met  Anne after leaving the church. I told how foolish I was to give my  last ten dollars for a mass for the poor souls nearest the gate of heaven. It all came pouring out.  I told her I had no place to go and I how badly I needed a job. The woman was stunned and quietly listened to my sad story. When I had finished she picked put the picture of Anne. Her fingers danced along the frame.

" Anne was my daughter. I loved her so much. She died one year ago today. She was just your age. You will not be not the housekeeper. You will be my daughter and we will always pray for the poor souls together."

The end

Based on a true story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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