Mya is kinda socially stupid

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Sorry we haven't updated in a while we honestly are just kinda lazy :p - Elieana and Mya

Mya: so this boy Dorian asked me out and I was like NO. Like it wasn't screaming it's was just like a cold hard no.

I don't have good social skills when it comes to people my age they just think I'm like some type of weird cross bred human.

Right now Elieana's in school learning stuff and stuff. while I'm just ya know listening to some Disney music. Ugh I've been having weird boy dreams.

Like they're not sexual there just like me hanging out with people 😂😂. O lawd that's sounds creepy.

Last night I did my hair over I two toned the top black while the bottom is like a peanut butter blond. But I was running out of black so it turned brown but it still looks good💁💁.

I want a nude lipstick. Can someone get me that? Like now. I'm thinking of starting to putting videos on my YouTube channel. Elieana what do you think?

If so what type of videos do I do I feel like I could only do like vlogging/comedy/pop cultureish or beauty/ DIY/ freebies.

Because I receive free stuff at to door almost everyday. Well I'm bored ttyl who Evers reading.

Update: sorry this was supposed to go up a while ago but elieana hasn't wrote :(

May 17, 2014

Elieana: Mya I honestly think u really should start uploading videos that would be really good :)

Sorry I haven't wrote for a while it's just been harsh this week I've been studying for SOLS that are comin up and I'm stressed about it and scared, what if I fail 😪

That ain't gonna happen on my case! What I look like the flippers (word I say instead of the bad word duh, as if u ain't know!)

Well I'm watchin The Vow like this movie makes me cry 😪 I feel like crying idk why.

I got some contacts today ( not prescribed) but they're grey I was supposed to get hazel but I changed my mind grey is more me 😊

I always wanted hazel or grey eyes cuz like some of my family members have hazel eyes and I'm just like why didn't I get hazel eyes 😒 nobody in my fam have grey eyes I think? I like being the odd one out of the bunch why not ?

I was supposed sleep at my brothers today but my brother got sick so I didn't have a ride he has the virus! Ughhh!

He had to call off work today I hope he's okay :(

To Who Evers reading,my Instagram name is Bambi_foreverrr

^you go head nd follow meh 😊😝

I'll write later 😍

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