The Ressurection

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I woke up feeling bewildered, I couldn't think.... I couldn't breathe.... Everything was different, nothing was the same. I felt like a surge of power coursed through my veins. I lifted up from my soft quilted pillow, I looked around there was a woman in the room she stared at me as I tried to talk.

"Urghh where am I?" I exclaimed trying to grasp the air

"This is a scientific base and you my dear are at the heart of all science!" The woman explained

I was still mesmerized from all this magical things like flying cars.

"Why am I here, did you kidnap me?" I said

"No No No you have been dead for 300 years we simply brought you back to life."

I looked around again and stared at the date on the calendar it is.... 23.5.2314! What she was right... Oh no I am here, I want to be dead why did she do this! I felt like a angry bee trying to escape from the wasps.... I felt like a A.... Lioness about to pounce. All of that faded as I fell back to sleep again.. 

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