Zen ♥ Proud Of My Heart

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This is my first one so of course its going to be crappy

You and Zen were Best friends since highschool but you had a crush on him and didn't want to ruin that friendship because of that.

"Hey Y/n..."Zen said looking at the sky
"Yeah?"you said laying in the grass with Zen "If someone hurt your feelings...please tell  me ok?"you were kinda confused of why he was telling you this but you just went with it and agreed.

"Thank you"was all he said

"Hey its getting late we should leave"he said

"You need a ride home or nahhh"Zen said standing up.
"Nah its okay I'll take the Taxi, I'll be awkward But still, Bye!"You said waving bye at Zen he did the same and went to your separate directions

~~~~At Park~~~~
You were just walking around the park since there you had a bad day FIRST YOUR GOLDFISH DIED SECOND YOU BROKE YOUR CHARGER 3YOUR PHONE DIED SO YOU COULDN'T CALL ZEN AND TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED GAHH what should I do sit down in one of benches Yee you decided to sit down and just watch children play, until you
remembered a memory
"Maaaa let's go to the swings"your 5 year old version said "Not right now we have to leave mommy has some important stuff to do at home ok?"Your mom said "Aww okay...Ma can we go tomorrow!"You said "Sure but let's go"Your mom said walking to the corner where you wait for the cars to pass, the light turned red meaning people can walk to the other side,  for some reason your mom took a while to do something then started walking to The other side with you until *CRASH* A car ran over your mom almost hitting you "MAAA WAKE UP!"you said getting on both on your knees and shaking your mom to wake up "MAAA PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO MEEE,YOU 'DUPIT CAR WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO MA"You said yelling at the car for some reason. People started gathering in circle around you and your mom, some stayed there schoked while others went to you and tried helping. Police arrived and so did ambulances they got your mom and put her in a bed and put her in the truck and drove away the last thing you remember was a police officer grabbing your hand and injecting something in your arm after that the last thing you said before your eyes closed were "ma...help...me"
~~~~End of Flashback~~~~
You didn't realize that you were crying and that a young man with white long hair was staring at you while sitting down
"Y/n...what happened"The man said putting his hand on your shoulder, you flinched going back to reality
"Gah, ah its just you Zen.... You scared me" You said

"Yeah... But what happened?Why are you crying? Did something happened?"He said very worried

"*Sniff*First of all my goldfish named Nick died, second of all I came here *Hicc* just to cool off, third of all I had a flashback and last I'm here just crying about it!" You said crossing your arms while you calm down

"Its okay remember... I will always be there when you have a bad time"Zen said in a soft voice while patting your back

"Ok...*Sniff*"You said and stood up and walked with Zen

~~~10 Years Later~~~
"Your Invited to (Friends Name) Party! Time:7:00🎂🎂🎂"the letter  said "welp might as well go I have nothing to do" You said walking to your closet and looking for something good to wear you spotted a dress that you don't remember buying at the store. It was black from the top and at the bottom it had white stripes with black stripes as well, you shrug and just go to your bathroom and change.'What the actual fuck' you said to yourself 'Its too tight and my armpit is itching!'you said scratching yourself
"*sigh* it will only be for a little bit" You said you check the time and saw it was 6:30 "eh still have some time left"You said laying down on your bed you turn on your phone and just got to gallery because you were bored as scrolling down the picture you came across a picture, it was you and a white haired male you smiled at yourself thinking 'what is Zen doing right now?' You said smiling at yourself. You went to the kitchen and decided to just get Nutella cause that just you. You checked the time and it was 6:45 you grabbed your car keys and went to your car and went to the location the party was located at.

~~~At The Party~~~
"Ah, Y/n your here thank you for coming!" Your Friend said you just smiled at her and went to a table and talked to her
After a while the music changed into some slow dance sadly you had no one to dance with.
But then you saw a woman crying out of nowhere and decided to go to her but right when you were going to stand up a familiar person came to that woman....A Male with long white hair "Zen?" You said to yourself you were about to go say hi to your best friend until..... He kissed her and patted her on the back stood there in shock seeing what your 'crush' just did. Tears started forming in your eyes
"You hurt my feelings Zen, you also said when I'm having a bad day you will stay by me until I feel better...."You said with tears
But hey its okay
Your heart has been Played
Cheated on
Burned and.......Broken but somehow still worked

As a person came up to you it was another girl you didn't recognize she had short brown hair brown eyes and had a black tight dress "He hurt your feelings too didn't he..." The woman said you just nodded knowing that Zen you best friend replaced you with another woman as their special person
"Jaehee Kang"the short brown haired woman said shaking you hand, you smiled and said "Y/n L/n"as response.

Told ya I'm bad oh well sorry for being such a horrible writer

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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