Chapter 1

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"This news will change our life."
Those word's stuck with me as my big brother held my hand, his palms sweaty, and trembling which only caused me to worry even more."What is it Derek? you're scaring me." I now had tears in my (E/c) eyes seeing as my big brother did to. He pulled me into a hug. Stroking my back gently. He sniffiled then started to shake."Y-your c-c-crying, w-why?" I, trying to hold back the tears, choked on my very words which caused my throat to burn, and my vision blurred. My head began to spin thinking of what could've made my brother so scared. Scared enough to start trembling in my arms. He released me from the hug, and got up."W-well might as well say it now." I held his hand seeing as he was so pale like he had just seen a ghost. It only caused me to be even more frightened. "You know Dad's in jail right? Well his buddies say t-". "What"?

"He won't stay in there forever.....".

My blood ran cold hearing those words. Everything about him, what he did to me, my brother, my mom. "H-h-how do you k-know this". Derek took out his IPhone, and pulled up his recent text messages.'Anonymous'. "J-j-just you wait...our b-boss will be out soon,...and w-when he is he'll finish what he s-s-started." I screamed in horror. My life had just began to get better, but that bastard had to show himself again. I myself began to shake in fear as my brother gripped my shoulders, and pulled me into another hug."N-n-no it's not true". I cried, holding my eyes shut, biting my lip trying, trying not to scream again.

"Mom why do we haft to go"?  I asked my mom when we left the house. My brother was putting me in the booster seat as my mom looked at me from the driverseat's with a smile."We're going to a trip for a while". I grinned at the response."Where's Daddy"? My brother slammed the car door while mom looked at me with a straight face."He's not coming". I turned my head to the side in curiosity while my brother sat in the passenger's seat not saying a word."Why Mom?" Mom gazed in to my eyes from the mirrior."Your father's a Demon".

Derek's P.O.V

"Demon....". She whimpered in her sleep. I sighed patting my sister to a soft slumber, it took two hours of,"No I cant sleep". But finally she passed out on my chest, to tired to continue. Demon. She's right about that. She was oblivious to what was going on when she was a kid. Yet, I knew the truth. The whole truth, he was a murder even before....he killed mom. Oh mom if only we had escaped Dad's raft in time, we could be all together....almost a family. My family was good when I was little, and my mom was pregnant with my sister. That's when my life took a toll for the worst. My mother and father seemed to be in a really good relationship when I was younger, my father worked as a carpenter while my mom work at an elementary school by our home. I specifically remember this day because I saw it myself, things I will never un see.

I walk home from school, and once I arrived at home I had smelled something really awful as if something was rotting. I slowly walked towards our basement it seemed that the smell came from there. The basement, that my father worked in, I slowly creaked the door open, the smell got even stronger the closer I got. I slowly, slowly, opened the door to see a woman hanging upside down like an animal. Guts all over the floor, blood everywhere, and the lady squirming. She was still alive. What shocked me more? My father in front of her, laughing hysterically. What he saw in front of him was amusing? What's amazing to him is killing people. I didn't know what to do, he didn't notice me. What do I do? I don't know what to do? My father a killer? Does mom know? Is my mother a killer? What's he going to do to me if he finds out I saw what he was doing? I panicked, I stood there in shock watching my father continuously laugh hysterically. I began to shake, I began to cry, I bit my lip, gripped my hair. Trying to get the world block the world out. I quickly turned around to go out when I felt an arm on my trembling shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going"?

I screamed in fear, I thought what was father was going to do to me now that he caught me. I was trying to run away, yet he grabbed me by my hand that's when I heard my mom's sweet voice. "Charles what's going on"?  That's when my mom saw. What my father had done, what he really was. She screamed seeing the woman hanging, blood falling from her stomach, insides still moving, worse...tears from her face. I screamed for my mom to help, but she stood there in fear till she snaped back into reality takeing me from my father's arms."WHAT'S GOING ON CHAREL'S"! My mother yelling scared me, I had never once heard her yell like that day. It was hell from there.

"Yeah boss I've got him in my sight". The shadowy figure smirked, watching derek from the window."This will be fun".

Hello guys it's me Izzy I hope you guys enjoy Shawn Mendes x Reader Book 2. It's the official first chapter oh I'm so happy. So enjoy it to the end!!!

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