Chapter 1

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I WORKED LITERALLY ALL DAY ON THIS OK?? Lots of sin. Like, a l o t.
"Good job Thomas. Come back to base immediately. I've got something to show you~" Red Leader said teasingly. I turned off my phone as soon as he hang up. Looking at the massacre presented in front of me, being absolutely controlled by the Red Leader, it made me want to scream.
But I didn't. Instead I took out my flask filled with vodka and drank from it.
Red Leader doesn't approve when I drink out on missions, but it's not like he'd let me do it any other time either. He doesn't need to know...
I felt it burn down my throat, that sweet, sweet feeling I crave. I sigh, putting my gun away, and begin walking back to the red base.
He greeted me immediately as I walked through the door. He wore a slight scowl. "Took you long enough," he said, as if he'd been waiting there since the call. I looked at my watch. "It's only been three minutes, sir," I respond.
He towered above me, looking down with disapproval. "What did I say about talking back to your master?" He said in a voice that nearly made my heart stop. I held my breath.
"S-sorry sir." I looked down and began walking with him. It took a while, but eventually I let out my breath. I'm glad he left it at that...he can be pretty cruel sometimes. The cuts on my arms and back begin to sting at the thought. If I refuse to comply... he'd handcuff me and whip my back as he sees appropriate.
And that's not even the worst he's done.
He opened a door for me, telling me to walk in, his silver eye staring at me. The other one, the right, was destroyed in the explosion, along with his arm. A red, robotic arm replaced it. He had to have more surgery, I wouldn't be surprised it if he had more robotic replacements.
I stood as he sat down in his chair. This room was his and only his, for when he needed to hold personal meetings with his soldiers. Sometimes it would be for punishment— no, not sometimes. Most of the time. Rarely he'd bring someone here to reward them.
I might've gotten PTSD from this place... but how would I know? I'm useless in medical-related things.
Red Leader just stared at me, his leg over the other, his head sitting on his fist. Minutes passed, he stayed silent. Watching me. Judging me.
It wasn't until his first words my body was destroyed with anxiety.
"You were drinking on the job again, weren't you, Thomas?"
My mouth went dry, I couldn't say anything.
"I'll take that as a yes..." he said, too calm for comfort. He stood up and I flinched, taking a step back. He grabbed my left arm with his robotic arm before I could pull away. Pain shot through me. He pulled me closer. I could feel my whole body shaking with fear. As weak as it sounds, I felt tears form in my eyes.
I didn't want to be punished again.
"P-please..." I whimpered. "R-red Leader..." I pulled back as much as I could without attempting to escape. It would be a mistake to do something like that. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see what he'd do.
I felt a warm, gentle touch on my body. It felt human. It traveled down to my side, slightly up my shirt.
"S-sir?" I asked in a shaky voice. He stopped, and moved it up to my neck. He gently pushed it up, so that we'd be face to face. He was so close, but there was nothing I could do about it. He was still gripping my other arm. He touched my face, and slipped a thumb underneath my goggles that help me see.
The goggled he gave me.
He slid it off, leaving me blind. Well, not completely, but I couldn't see a few inches in front of me. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a rainbow-colored animal and a grey elephant if they stood side to side.
Red Leader experimented on me a ton because of my black eyes. He saw potential in them. But all he did was ruin them. Everything without those goggles looks so overwhelming. I couldn't do anything without them now.
I felt his breath on my face. He wrapped his arm around my back, and I winced slightly. The wounds he made were still fresh. He didn't seem to care.
"Your goggles need a new upgrade, Thomas dear," he purred into my ear. Shivers were sent down my spine. "Don't you agree?" His robotic grip was loosened. I felt slight relief, even though the pain was still prominent.
I felt hot air on my neck. I didn't know where this was going, but I didn't like it.
I was filled with more fear than disgust, though. I felt his lips pressing on me, and I pulled away suddenly, stumbling and falling down.
I felt overwhelmed.
I could feel him kneeling above me. "What's wrong?"
I just shook my head. He sighed. God, how hard did he hit his head?
"I see," was his responce. His hands were now cold as they touched my face. "But you're so cute when you're so hopless and vulnerable," he mumbled under his breath. I felt myself being pinned down. I brought my knees up instinct.
"T-tord!" I yelled, immediately regretting it. I felt something going between my legs, pressing down on my crotch. A knee. I winced in pain.
"What did you just call me? Didn't I tell you to call me Red Leader now on? What makes you think you have the permission to call me by my first name?"
"S-so-sorry—" I began to say. He applied more pressure. I tried to breath, but it was hitched. I felt my stomach turn in knots. As much as I hated it, I was cowering in fear. I couldnt move at all anymore.
I felt the pressure being relieved.
"So, you said you can't see anything, correct?" He asked, his whispering tickling my ear.
"So you can't see what I'm going to do?"
"T-thats correct, sir."
"Perfect," he whispered, nearly silently. I felt deeply uncomfortable. I pressed my legs together even more, them being the only thing I can move freely as of now.
Suddenly, I felt him get up.
"Gosh, I forgot to lock the door," he said. It became slightly darker, I noticed. He closed the blinds also. I sat up, and tried to stand. I felt a drawer open and close. Fear shot through me.
What is he getting? Oh god, where are my goggles. I can't see anything.
I was eventually backed up into the wall. I don't even know if Tord is still in this room.
I felt a hand on my face. I could tell he's holding something in his other hand. But what?
"W-what... a-are you...?"
I was shushed before I could finish my sentence.
"Just calm down, Tommie~"
"B-but— what are you gonna do...?"
I felt his hair brush my face as he whispered in my ear again. "I'm gonna fuck you, Thomas," was his simplistic answer.

Future tom x Red LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now