Old friends

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"I'm getting married!!!" was being screeched into my ear before I could answer properly.

It didn't take long to guess who the voice belonged to.

" That's amazing, nikki, congra-"

" You're the maid-of-Honor!"

" Thanks, sis, but-"

" The colors are pink (kinda like fushcia, not that icky salmon-ish color mom would always wear) and red ( for Jordan, he said I couldn't have pink without him having red.) The bride's maids have pink gowns and the groom's men have red ties. The flowers are roses and tulips. My god, my gown is the darnest little thing- made of faux silk, and my veil is covered with pretty petite flowers. It's pure white, and you are allowed no where near it 'til my wedding day! "

I thought she had completely gone into Ashley-land until I heard hear last little stab at my clumsiness .

" Ashley, when did he propose to you?"

" Last night."

" uh huh. Do you have a date set?"

" August 13, at the church mom and dad were married in."

As High school sweethearts, I was more suprised at them waiting so long to finally tie the knot, than her knowing all these plans after 24 hours. He offered to buy her a ring thier senior year, but she just didn't feel ready, then he decided he didn't want to get married until he got settled into his job. It basically went back in forth from there for years (I only know these things because Ashley seems to think she can get free psychology sessions over the phone until I'm done with school, and probably after too) they both must've finally agreed.

" I'll drive down there next week, after my semester ends."

" Why not now!"

" You just told me! You're lucky It's the end,so stop bugging me, I'm studying for finals."

"Fine. You didn't even say congratulations, you know?"

no use arguing " I'm so happy for you and I'm excited and honored to be your maid of honor, I love you and good bye, k?"

"I miss you and be here A.S.A.P! 'Night."

Hanging up, I Sip my tea, flip open my phsychology 101 book and dive in.


" Oof!"

"What's wrong?"

"You elbowed me in the head... Again"

" Well, that's not exactly the hardest thing to do , you know"

I smiled at Catie's last remark, and how true it really was. Maria, a towering 4'10 and on the plump side, was being shoved or accidentally pushed constantly. Catie, only a few inches taller , was a bit thinner, and took pleasure from making Maria feel short. Caty and Maria are my long time friends from grade school, although they stayed here ( the midwestern city I grew up in) and I went to the university a few hours east, we are still as close as ever.

" Hey, that's my job!" I exclaimed, refering to the elbowing.

I, being considerably the tallest at 5'8 and the thinest, am usually the one Maria gets pushed by.

Maria scoffed and Catie laughed as we walked around the mall looking for the dress shop my sister recommended for me to get my dress form.

" Wow, there are alot of pink dresses." I observed after entering the brightley lit store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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