October 29, 2017 Saturday 1:45 pm

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We fought. We were in the car. It was a beautiful fall afternoon. I sat there behind the wheel, gazing at the crystal clear world that seemed to be a blurr in the moment. My throat burning like shots of rum and whiskey. A rock stuck in my throat, I was paralyzed. I found myself looking at him. Wondering what he was thinking, and what he would do next. I begged him without saying a word. I wanted so badly to say something to him, but the words had my tongue tied hostage. My brain was a running-addict and couldn't stop racing a marathon of a million thoughts and scenarios. Him. Just him.. Although I knew he wouldn't leave me for something so irrational and pathetic, I felt like he was slipping from my grip like a game of tug-of-war, but the hurt feelings and distress was winning. I didn't lose him, but I felt like I did. True love is like a mastermind that loves to make you feel the cruel reality, as if it wants you to experience what it is like to lose the person you love most even though you are more than positive that they wouldn't dare to step out of the title "You and Me". I waited in the car outside his house for longer than usual as he got out. I wanted to know how he really felt about the situation. I wanted to know what he would do. He never denied me, never once denied us. He still waited outside the car. He still walked me in, and he STILL held my hand. Love is not meant to only be shown in times of good, it is also made to be shown in times of bad. True love will always remain sweet.. Remember that..

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