Miles and Broom. Who will win? (A Miles Jai and Broom fan fiction)

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  • Dedicated to Miles Jai and Broom

It was the last episode 10th season of Mile's and Broom's Favorite show, Big Brother. They have watched every season from the start. Miles wanted contestant, Ian Newell to win the season and Broom wanted the competing contestant, Savannah Gerri to win. Ian and Savannah are very good contestants but one had to win.

"The final challenge of season 10 of Big Brother is to go up the wall behind Me." said the host, Julie


"Seems easy right Broom?" said Miles.

Although broom can't talk because his is literally a broom that miles found at Wal-Mart, mile's answers for him anyways.

"I know! Like what is so hard about going up a wall? Like they have grips to hang on to." Said miles like the challenge was the stupidest thing he had ever seen the history of Big Brother.

"But that's not all folks," Julie says. "Ian and Savannah will have 1 minute to go up with soap running down. If one falls, their minute will restart. Whoever makes it up last may be eliminated. And the winner will get 1 million dollars."

"WHAT?! Omg... how will Ian win this?! He weights like 200 pounds. BROOM. SHUT THE HELL UP. It's not like Savannah has a brain."

If you don't know by now, Ian is fat and intelligent. Savannah looks like an exoskeleton and has as many brain cells as her six-pack. Zero.

"Stay tuned after these messages to see who will win the final challenge LIVE on TV!" Says. Julie

"Fuck," says miles in a pissed off voice. "Why- Just why is Ian so fat? God. He really needs to work out and limit how many calories. BROOM. I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!"

*Messages Passed*

"Omg." Says Ian. "Why can't I be skinny like Savannah? I know that I eat SO much, so I should stop."

"It's really not that hard to not eat a lot. After the show, I'll give you some tips." Savannah responds right next to Ian.

"Are you calling me fat?!"

"Basically, you called yourself fat."

"Wanna go Savannah?!"

"Nigga please..."


"GO IAN GO! YOU CAN DO THIS!" screams Miles. "Broom. We all know that if savannah won, her bones would snap in a million pieces."

"Guys, Guys! You do know you're live?" says Julie

"Yes!" said Ian and Savannah simultaneously.

"Ian! Stop! You are gonna kill me!" Screams Savannah.

"Ha Bitch! I won!" Says Ian.

"See Broom, told you." Miles says in a happy voice.

As Ian and savannah move to the challenge room, Miles had a talk with Broom. "You know if Ian won this season of Big Brother, I'm gonna scream so loud that Ian and Savannah would hear me all the way from my house."

"You will now see Ian and savannah try to complete the final challenge," said Julie "Ian? Savannah? Are you guys ready?"

"Yes Julie! I've been ready since I've been on." Savannah says in a mean voice to Ian's face.

"Julie. We all know that I'm going to lose because of my body weight. Like for real, you had to pick this one?" Said Ian

"Well, Ian all I could say is that I'm sorry that you think you're going to lose this season. And to be honest, I didn't pick this challenge. The viewers did." Julie tells Ian trying to be as nice as possible.

"WHAT?! So those bitches that watch this fuckin show pick this!?" Ian says in a MEAN way. Mean to everyone, not just you.

"Yes Ian. And please stop cursing. You do know you're on live TV right?"

"Yes Julie. And I'm really sorry for using those words. At won't happen again. Promise."

"Okay, guys. Get to your spots. The challenge will start in a minute." Said Julie.

*Minute has past*

"Okay in 3, you guys will try to get the top of the wall in under a Minute and if you fall, your minute restarts and you have to try again. Last person to get up the wall, may be eliminated."

Everyone from season 10 is there to watch Ian and Savannah do this last challenge.

"In 3, 2... 1... GO!" Julie says Ian and Savannah.


"What.... How am I going to get up there? Like the grips are so far apart!" Savannah says with her six-pack brain.

"HA BROOM. It looks like I'm going to win!"

"Savannah! What are you doing?" The eliminated contestants tell Savannah.

"I don't know! I can't do this! The grips are so far apart!"

"The grips to go up the wall are just a few inches apart!" The eliminated contestants tell Savannah. "Look! Ian is already half way up the wall!"

"Okay. Okay I'll try." Said Savannah in the voice that she knows that she's going to lose.

As Savannah attempts to go up the wall, Ian falls.

"Ha!" Screams Savannah.

"What. The fuck just happened." Said Miles.

But as Savannah Tells Ian, 'Ha!' she look back to see Ian on the ground. And with her dumb self, she goes down to see if he's okay.

"Are you okay Ian?" Said Savannah.

"WHAT!" Screams the eliminated contestants. "YOU ARE SOPOSTED TO KEEP GOING!"

"Oh my God." Julie Says face palming.

"omg." Said Miles in a quiet voice.

And before you know it, Ian Jumps and goes back to the wall, climbing it half way in less than 10 Seconds.

"Go Ian! You can do this!" Screams Miles.

"SAVANNAH! GO!" The eliminated contestants tell Savannah.


And Ian makes it to the top in 30 Seconds.

"YAS! YAS! YAS! YAS!" Screams Miles.

"Did I just here a homo Scream?" said Ian and Savannah simultaneously.

"See broom. I told you that they could here me."

"I'm Sorry, But Savannah, you-" Said Julie

"I know. Good bye and let me get me bags" Savannah said as she walk to the door with her bags.

"No need Savannah. I Said, Last person to get up the wall, may be eliminated."

"So I won?!"

"Well, to put in in a fast way for your brain to comprehend, The Viewers will pick who won."

*Winner Will Answered IN PartTwo!*

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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