Chapter 9

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Haneul's P.O.V

"Aww what a cute house you got." - Namjoon said as he walk in my house. He came for breakfast. Which i told him I'm just having ramyun. But he insisted. So I don't know. I close the door. He sit in the living room, on the sofa. With a smile, he looks around.

While i went to the kitchen, bringing both his ramyun and mine, in a tray. Placing them on the coffee table. Namjoon smiles seeing the ramyun. He sits on the floor. I went to the kitchen, keeping the tray and grab 2 glasses. Pouring milk in both glasses. I bring them to the living room. I hand one of the glass to Namjoon and he thank me.

I sit next to him, grabbing my ramyun. We eat it silently, while watching the tv. Nowadays, Namjoon really seems to meet me a lot. Like he'll bring me to have lunch or dinner or breakfast or even supper. Not only that, at times, he bring me to a book store and find books together.

"Wanna go to the library today?" - he asked.

"What for?"

"To read of course." - he said.

"I'm fine with that." - i said. He nodded. I'm a book worm too. But not too much that I'm a damn nerd. After breakfast, i change. Namjoon stayed in the living room while i head to my room. I change to black jeans, a pink sweater crop top shirt. I put on a all white converse. I walk out of my room.

I sit next to Namjoon. I pulled my bun out, messing my hair. Then i gathered my hair again, tying it back in a tight bun.

Namjoon's P.O.V

Why can't she just let her hair down? I like seeing her with hair down. She can be tomboy ish, but she have a great fashion sense for sure. She sits next to me, pulling her hair out of her bun. Oh yay she's letting her hair go. She mess her hair a little and gathered her hair. Then tying it again in a bun.

I pouted a little. I can smell her hair when she let her hair go. It smells fruity. "So, let's go?" - she asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." - i said with a smile. We got up, leaving her apartment. She lives alone but her house is big. I mean it's big for 1 person to stay. We head to the ground floor and got in my car. I drive to the library. I know Haneul loves to read, so it will be fun to spend the whole day in the library.

Once we're in the library, we got ourself a spot, in the corner, on the floor. People won't walk here much. So it'll be better to focus on reading. We went separate ways, to find a book to read. I found a few, then walking to the spot. Haneul's not here yet. I sit down, leaning on the wall and start with my reading.

Minutes later, Haneul sit next to me, reading a book. I don't know why but i just like to bring her out. To eat or just random places. It's nice to have her as a company. She's all alone too, I'm scared if she'll feel bored. So that's one of the reason why i ask her to hang out sometimes. And she barely says no. Even if it's 11 pm, she'll say yes. She's alone, she have the freedom.

Fast forward...

"Haneul?" - someone called her. She look up and i did too. Even though it's not me.

"Oh hi." - she greeted the man with a smile. This guy. Who left Haneul walking from a restaurant till her building apartment. Even if Haneul says no, be a man and protect her or something. I trailed her from the restaurant till she arrives at her building apartment.

I kinda got caught. Because she felt i was following. But besides that, she didn't know who i was. I care for her safety. She's all alone in this world, her parents left the world. She's the only child. If anything happens to her, in the house or outside, without me there, nobody knows. Another reason why i ask her to hang out with me. I want to make sire she's fine.

The guy sit next to Haneul as he gave me a smile. I just smiled back. The both of them talked. While i was reading my book. They were talking softly since we're in a library.

Haneul's P.O.V

Hoonji was telling me what happened at Imo's event the other day. Which I don't really care much. So i just listen to them, left ear in, right ear out. And just nodded.

"Oh i see." - i said with a soft voice while nodding.

"Yeah." - he said with a smile.

"Oh i gotta go already. See you." - he said softly with a smile.

"Yeah see you." - i said back. He got up and left. I don't know what's with seeing him at random places lately. It's kinda annoying. I don't hate him. But i don't know... it's just weird when he's around.

"Who was that?" - Namjoon asked softly.

"My cousin." - i said.

"Oh." - he said. It was a quiet day. Because it was filled with books, next to each other with our own world. It's nice.

Fast forward...

We're leaving the library. And it's soon to dinner time. We skipped lunch because we were so into the book. So we head to a western restaurant. Because i feel like eating beef steak. We got our seat, ordered too.

"You have any more plans to somewhat end the day?" - i asked. He shrugged.

"We're so free tomorrow." - he said.

"Yeah. And looks like another boring day for me." - i said with a sigh. I hate it when I don't have any work for the day. It means boring day, slack at home.

"Same. I have to be in the studio." - he said with a small sigh. Our food came and we dig in.

"When's our next schedule?" - i asked.

"I think in another 4 days." - he said. I widened my eyes.

"Heol!" - i exclaimed.

Hey! Sorry for the lame chapter!
Uhu :( but I'll update twice! So sorry that I didn't update yesterday! Was very busy and tired ehe.

Anyways, 생일축하해요 종인 오빠! Happy Birthday To Our Kaaiiii❤️❤️ hope you have a great day! Be healthy! Take care! Be safe! Lub yaaa❤️🎉💕🔥

Follow my BTS series! Make sure you're on the right track! The stories have links with each other!

BTS Series:
1st Book - Married A Gangster || JJK [COMPLETED]
2nd Book - Love Hate || MYG [COMPLETED]
3rd Book - Just One Day || PJM [COMPLETED]
4th Book - Makeup Artist || JHS [COMPLETED]
5th Book - Strength || KNJ -ONGOING-
6th Book - Capture || KSJ -soon-
7th Book - Just || KTH -soon-

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14/1/18, 14th January 2018, 김종인의 생일


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