This Dedicated To My Best Friend And Sister, Kimberly<3 She's Been There Through Everything I've Gone Through... iiloveeyouu<3
I jumped, you caught me.
I laughed, you joked.
I was down, you picked me up.
I crumbled, you glued me back together.
I loved you, you loved me back...
You jumped, I couldn't catch you.
You forgot to laugh, I couldn't remind you.
You were down, I couldn't hold you.
You crumbled, I had no glue.
You loved me, I still love you...
Without no warning or sign,
You ventured to a world divine.
I refused to say goodbye,
Yet tonight I cry.
My tears are for you my friend...
But our legacy will not end.
For I shall see you soon,
But first I have living to do.
I promise I won't forget,
You'll always be in my heart...